I got 99 problems and a **** aint one. Here they are though 1. Im - TopicsExpress


I got 99 problems and a **** aint one. Here they are though 1. Im tired 2. Im bored 3. My back itches in that place where i cant reach it 4. Our internet keeps going down 5. I cant find the TV remote 6. Im starting to run out of problems 7. I just ran out of fruit rollups 8. Im out of money 9. Im out of gas 10. Im spilled gas on me earlier 11. my moms been mad at me all day 12. i have to by a new dongel for my advisor 13. im ugly 14. i have a continuous urge to be a horse 15. i dont have a pet turtle named shelley 16. i sound like a spoiled brat 17. i only have one pack of poptarts for this weekend 18. no one ever spells my name right 19. i still barely know how to spell my sisters name 20. as this post shows, i have no life 21. i see dead people 22. i keep getting underwear ads on facebook 23. my dog likes to insult people on my facebook 24. i have never seen the movie forrest gump all the way through 25. i have a dell laptop 26. i am out of control 27. i always wanted to be a lumberjack, but i cant be 28. i cant stop choking on starburst 29. i am now out of starburst 30. theres a overhang over our door to our house preventing me from seeing if my moms home 31. my mom is home 32. i forgot to water our plants today 33. my grandfather is now "dissapointed" with me 34. im not cool because i dont build cars and lift weights 35. i am still not an eagle scout 36. i completely forgot my grandfathers friends name today 37. my sailing equipment is infested with spiders 38. my car is probably also now infested with spiders 39. my computer just turned off b/c of an update and i had to write this again 40. i seriously have know life for doing this 41. i just spelled no the wrong way 42. i am still scared of monsters in the closet 43. i dont even like the song im getting this from 44. i dont have any swag 45. no one is reading this anymore 46. i got a netflix to watch superbad for health and netflix didnt have it 47. my ipod classic broke 48. eminems facebook page picture is pointing at me angrily 49. i dont even like any of yall anyways 50. i trapped myself into having to let @David Ballowe say "neked" 51. I live far from everything 52. i fell down the stairs today 53. i was dropped as a child... more than ten times 54. the doctors had to be drunk when they cut my embilical cord, cause my belly button is messed up 55. i have no idea how im gonna finish all the books i promised to read this summer 56. i am apparently not allowed to go to any college besides navy 57. i wrote "dan" for one of my math exam answers 58. i fell off my bed while i was sleeping last night 59. i actually do that a lot 60. i would not make a good street rapper 61. im chubby 62. i cant stand modern music 63. im totally not gay... at all;) 64. i have to wrestle live bears for a living so i can feed my wife and kids 65. i have lost to the bear before 66. im not even a real person 67. i am still writing this post 68. i used to like hunter hayes:o 69. i havent had steak in two weeks 70. i am complaining about useless things 71. i am profiled by the police because i am so cool 72. i forgot my sisters name this morning 73. she is going to be pissed if she reads that 74. i bought flowers for my mom last week, layed them front of her keyboard at her desk, and broke the keyboard with water from the flowers 75. i now have to buy my mom a new keyboard 76. i know more about most past presidents than i know about todays celebrities 77. i literally have a massive problem with reality tv 78. i am too cool to be cool 79.if you are still reading this, you deserve a cookie 80. im all out of cookies 81. my mom is mad at me again 82. my dad is mad at me now 83. i dont care at all about them right now 84. i am again running out of problems 85. i am a jelly doughnut 86. i really want to be a lumberjack 87. my favorite word in the world is bumblebee 88. i cant stop saying bumble right now 89. i am pretty pathetic 90. we are all out of bacon 91. that makes me way more sad than it should 92. i have an obsession of bacon 93. there is a hurricane coming apparently 94. hurricanes arent very fun 95. im gonna be the one cleaning up after it 96. hurricanes should be 2nd class citizens and clean up after themselves 97. i work like a slave in this heat for the man 98. the man is named stan 99. stan is the man YAY COMPLAINING
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 23:24:03 +0000

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