I got ARRESTED today on the way home to Winston from Elkview, - TopicsExpress


I got ARRESTED today on the way home to Winston from Elkview, W.Va. and given the circumstances, Id probably do it again. On 77 between Beckley exit and Bluefield is very curvey, and a toll road turnpike to boot. Speed is 70. This guy in a minivan gets on from the Beckley exit and gets in front of me in the fast lane and does about 50 in the 70 mph zone, I couldnt pass because other slow traffic pulling trailers were in the slow lane just ahead of him enough so I couldnt pass, he could have moved over to slow lane cause he was going same speed they were, so I flashed my headlights to get him to move over, instead, he slows down, seeing my chance to pass I floored it and got in front of him and continued on, forgetting about him. Got back up to about 72, 73 and went on my way, low and behold, the idiot passes me, gets in front of me and did the very same thing, he waited till a slow truck going up a hill was in slow lane and passed me to get in front of me. This time when I got the chance to pass him I gave him the hillbilly howdy (middle finger) and went on, A-hole sped up and stayed behind me, waited for slow vehicle and does it again, when I passed I gave him another gesture and went on, he again sped up and passed me again, I have no idea why he is doing this, had fla. plates on his van so we copied his number to call 911 if needed. At this point we felt kinda threatened. Keep in mind, this is W.Va. toll road turnpike, there are hardly any exits. He waited and passed me again, doing same crap, this time when I passed him, (heres where I messed up but would do it again) I held up my licensed Walther pk380 pistol. He fell behind me and called the law who stopped me just over the state line in Virginia. He told the trooper I showed it after the state line which was a lie, all this happened before the Bluefield tunnel on the toll road. That stops before Va. Line. Anyway they cuffed me and took me to magistrate, knowing me I joked around with the troopers, they try to be all hard and tuff, but they are people too. But he had to do his job. They liked my new knife I had and asked where they could get one. Magistrate was nice too. Let me go with no bond but I have to go back in few weeks for court date. Hey, I told her I had nowhere to go and was trying to get away from this nut but he didnt give me much of a choice, there is no side of the road, there were very few exits and besides, how am I to know what this fruitcake wants, even if there were exits I wasnt going to go down one and have him follow me in an area I know nothing about. Got his tag number but in trying to get away and stay on that winding road I didnt have the chance to call 911 first, his passenger who covered their face the whole time called them.. oh well, thats my story and Im sticking to it. Lookin back, would do it the same way prolly. Not much choice. What would you have done? Seriously, I want to know. I feel he saw the new truck and seen what he thought would be an easy hit. Remember, I got his tag number, Im having him investigated right now, I also know the guy personally who was over building that stretch of road who knows just how many exits and curves there are. Im not too worried.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:39:13 +0000

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