I got a strange post on my wall this morning from Patrick Geryl. - TopicsExpress


I got a strange post on my wall this morning from Patrick Geryl. You forget sometimes who you have FB acquaintances with. He may be more recognized by his doomsday predictions [1] of 12/21/12. Looking back a few years ago vs today- all the sink holes, a quickening in the poles moving, cracks, extreme weather phenomenon... and everything else this group covers. I have to ask if in fact all the fear was just short a few years. A personal welcome to the group if he chooses it. I have spent years trying to prove that the cabal, CIA or whatever name you give them are after antiquities and not oil, gold, minerals, or bank and money related items. These are all secondary to the ends. These springs and destabilizations of govts end up having museums and antiquities stolen and looted- from Iraq 2001 to Ukraine 2014. Stuck in the middle in 2008 [2] was Egypt. Still being looted up until 2013 [3]. A well documented trail of stolen treasures vs what MSM shows us on cameras leaving one to think its about oil. Its about the past, and who controls it if you ask me- (OR what might be found for MORE control). I have issues about funding these projects- and ask Patrick to come over and discuss it with more detail HERE in a public forum. Something email or on my wall just wont get the coverage. A much bigger audience can be reached here. With that said though- even if i personally choose not too based on a decade of theft- I have too digress and tell you that visions can be deceiving. Im speaking of Edgar Caycee and Major Ed Dames. Ed Dames saw a kill shot- and wants it to happen so bad that this latest tiny little X1.6 was on his wall and shared here of an EXTREME event. ((which was small compared to what we have already got in just the last 2 years)) It could very well be that it will never happen or that he saw a different timeline. I say this based Edgar Caycees vision that was deliberately given wrong to him. ((cant remember this one- but its the one critics use to discount him)) This has been discussed by multiple guests on Coast to Coast AM. Another very specific vision was given to Caycee, other than the misled one that was false, The Hall of Records. Were told of these 3 places... and oddly enough all 3 have had invasions including South America with Operation Condor which was the dry run to the middle east we see today. Bosnia where the ancient pyramids are that are older than Egypt are also in the middle of a civil war... odds of all this happening??? So WHAT IF Edgar Cyacee was deliberately given the wrong image here as well. The halls may be real- just the places were misled. yes/no?? plausible?? I have to be honest here as i have been waiting for something to emerge out of all this- bigger and more earth shattering than a pole shift. History of man. You see we still burn in the sun. This shatters the cabals control of creationism, evolution, and alien involvement. Any evidence that would be in defiance of the control structure would need to be destroyed or dropped into a vatican basement never to be seen from again. I dont think the master of the universe (god or angel) would give Caycee the exact location. Why- because if they knew this- than they would know human nature, and know of the control over the sheep... if this information would free us- than it would not be given until we are really ready for it and that time RIGHT NOW is not going to happen as long as we are still battling the CIA and its military control over governments the world over. They would have seen all this. Though we are not powerless- we are certainly short of those who see it. You see. Which brings back to this dig that Patrick wants to embark on. Do we forgive and move on from the 2012 end times books of scare and help him move into this new stage of life. ?? He eventually came out and apologized for all this [4] and makes him a much bigger person than most that are still hiding from the end date scare. BUT- him and a lot of others had a good reason to think it was coming. If we remember he was scoring a 100% on quake predictions [5] that year. Again- was he just off a few years?? Patrick Geryl: Labyrinth of Egypt [6] If he was on to something in 2012- and if this has nothing to do with the CIA.. could he have something worth exploring today in Egypt.?? in his paper- he lays out a great story of whats there. I have a few questions that i would love to get answered though. A/ is he connected to the Mataha foundation [7] B/ who runs it and if there is any at all connections to agencies that have been part of these uprisings or rebels. Including George Soros, Kosh bros, or others operations like code pink or greenpeace. I would need to be able research these connected links in order to know more about them. For his own sake- we dont want anything at all coming from this dig to end up in their hands. C/ I would want to know about the legal paper trail offered by the Egyptian government... Though they have been trying hard in rounding up the Muslim Brotherhood they have also courted leaders that would love to see the pyramids destroyed. This is important to note here if you consider govt and organizations are behind a lot of this as they try desperately to find SOMETHING over there. And Egypt may be the heart of the search. D/ who gets whats found in the end... will it be public... and if there is in fact earth shattering information there- WILL HE go public with it?? [main post- support for the dig] labyrinthofegypt/support.html [1] survive2012/category/patrick-geryl/ [2] sharonwaxman.typepad/loot/reviews/ [3] un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=45886#.VBRsKvldW30 [4] disclose.tv/forum/patrick-geryl-interviewed-post-2012-t82563.html [5] sageofquay.blogspot/2012/12/patrick-geryls-amazingly-accurate.html [6] world-mysteries/newgw/gw_pgeryl_hawara.htm [7] matahafoundation/
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:02:52 +0000

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