I got a text that in the not so distant past wouldve thrown me - TopicsExpress


I got a text that in the not so distant past wouldve thrown me into rage mode and made me question who and what I am. The question was Look at you. What have you done with your life? You have enough kids to make a basketball team lol. What I am is a proud mother. What Im doing with my life is raising amazing kids damn near alone and dealing with enough crap to sink a battleship. I dont sink though. I may have chosen to give birth to my children but I own it everyday. I am a responsible mom who puts them all first and always will. This is why I dont have a social life. I dont miss it. I dont regret it. My kids are my best friends and entertainment!! I didnt chose to deal with ignorant, small minded assholes. I am strong, hard working, intelligent, loving, loyal, giving, and most importantly I am not ashamed of my kids or myself. I have made poor choices in life. My kids are not one. The jokes and opinions of people show THEIR character not mine. So while you pass judgement and laugh and make jokes remember that only insecure people find security in breaking apart others. Im over here doing the damn thing and apparently it kills you knowing Im this damn strong all by myself. No man, no crutches, and no excuses. I am not a victim. Believe Ive got this and always will. Its called having a basketball team of love and support to wake up to everyday. No fancy degree, job, herd of friends, or fat stacks of cash could ever replace them♡ If I were to die today I would die happy because I have 6 awesome mini mes to bring amazing things to this world. Im not a perfect person but Im perfect to them. Their opinions are the only ones Im concerned about. Hurt and pain does terrible things to people. Ive let this change me through the years. I wont let it keep me miserable anymore though. Theres way to much fun to be had and my kids deserve a happy mom not a angry one. Life is as good as you make it!
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 19:31:36 +0000

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