I got an interesting but controversial share: [Ryan is a) - TopicsExpress


I got an interesting but controversial share: [Ryan is a) correct; and b) actually imploring those who live outside impoverished areas to get involved and help. Many people who live in the suburbs can relate to what he’s saying. In my native Detroit area, most suburbanites can relate to the experience in which you occasionally drivetown for a Tiger game or a show of some sort - shaking your head at the blight as you drive in and out - but otherwise not really seeing it as your problem. Ryan is exhorting those who think that way to take an active role in solving the problem. That’s what you moonbats want to call racist? At the same time, he addresses an uncomfortable truth about generational poverty. People born into families that have been mired in poverty for generations don’t think about working because they’ve never had anyone model it for them. It’s not what they know. They know the welfare system. They know the criminal justice system. They don’t know the work world at all because for generations, no one in their family has had anything to do with it. The problem with discussing this in a political context is that everyone is always looking for some action by the federal government to solve the problem. There is no federal solution to the generational poverty mindset. It needs to be addressed at the community level. It needs to be addressed on a spiritual level. People who think Washington is supposed to solve every problem don’t like to hear that, and they really don’t like it when you lay responsibility for things at the hands of the individuals involved. But they won’t admit why. They say it’s because you’re “blaming the victim,” but the real reason is that, if people can and should solve their own problems, then you’re taking away an excuse for expanding the size, scope and influence of the federal government. That is always the goal of the political class, so message of personal empowerment quickly get redefined as “blaming the victim.” Ryan is right, and if people really understood what he’s saying, we would probably waste a lot less money trying to fight poverty by using assumptions about its cause that are completely wrong.] // I believe poverty to be a problem, which is why I take the notions of income inequality and wealth disparity quite serious. It is also why I support an increase in the minimum wage. However, call me crazy, but I view the liberal tendency to always use apologies, excuses and even allegations of racism to rationalize any and all mentalities maintained by some poverty stricken men and women of various ethnicities (white, black, brown, blue, purple, Boehner) to be an equally serious problem. Am I saying all inner city people are lazy? Hell no! Did Paul Ryan say that? HELL NO! However, he said the truth when he alleged that such a mentality does unfortunately exist en masse in inner-city communities, as well as elsewhere. I mean I know cats who rose up from the ghettos of India, got educated and made their way to the United States, where they found success. Please explain to me what opportunities their counterparts in the American inner cities lack . . .
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 17:58:18 +0000

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