I got nommed by Kandraroo to name fifteen movies that have made a - TopicsExpress


I got nommed by Kandraroo to name fifteen movies that have made a permanent impact on me. Not the best or my favorites but the ones that touched my very soul. Here are those movies: 1. The Avengers - Set the bar for how much fun I could have in a movie theater. Not only did it team up characters I had loved for years and pack them into one movie, but it gave me new reasons to love them. It never loses its energy and is always fun well past the 25th viewing. 2. The Empire Strikes Back - The peak of the trilogy that showed me a remarkable mythology that was not based on a comic or a novel but on a mans imagination. 3. Ghostbusters - One of the most pure examples of an original concept that was fueled by passion to become a staple of comedic filmmaking. 4. Toy Story - As far as Im concerned one of the most groundbreaking movies ever made. Not only is this movie revolutionary for the animation medium, it does not hold back on story or characters despite being the first step into the realm of fully computer-generated movies. It also exhibits the raw ambition and originality of many technical and creative geniuses. Toy Story 2 - Adventurous, satirical, funny, heartfelt and warm, this sequel builds on what the original had already done perfectly without taking away from the integrity of either film. As far as Im concerned, this is how a sequel should be done. Also Ive seen it too many times to forget about it. Toy Story 3 - The only movie to make me cry just by showing me the title. It was a film that meant so much to me before I had even seen it and it treated the material with such respect while still advancing itself as its own story. It placed the ribbon on the series that will always mean more to me than any other show or movie. 5. The Shining - A film thats immersive and haunting aesthetic style will always stay with me. The chilling atmosphere and music paired with pioneering steady cam shots and good old fashioned insanity is what makes this adaptation its own masterpiece. 6. The Dark Knight - Dark, intense, and psychologically challenging, not to mention it featuring one of the truly unforgettable performances by an actor ever. 7. Pulp Fiction - The director leaves his work open to interpretation, as you can either laugh or cringe at some of the darkest scenes or lines of dialogue, proving once-and-for-all that film is truly a subjective medium. 8. Swingers - Im confident Ill be able to relate to this movie on an emotional level at any given point in my life, even if Im not exactly like any of its protagonists. Thats because this movie understands the emotions it portrays and it communicates its ideas with style and comedic flare the way only movies can pull off. 9. Rudy - Inspirational and uplifting, this is one of the few movies that can break my heart and then put it back together. There will never be a moment where I am uncomfortable chanting, Rudy, Rudy!. 10. The Muppet Movie - The only movie so far in my life to provoke an out of body experience (ask me later). Not only is the genius behind it my professional role model, but bearing witness to his creations running free as if they were alive is something I will strive to replicate in whatever way I can. 11. Alien - Every shot of this movie is crafted with a purpose, and watching the plot unravel is a unique experience that few other movies have provided me. Though Ive never really been scared by it, my emotions were heightened while following these real people in a peculiar and unfamiliar setting. 12. Who Framed Roger Rabbit - This was a movie I never knew I needed to see until I saw it. The filmmakers share my passion for animation and blend it seamlessly with noir-style storytelling that would be compelling on its own. 13. Jurassic Park - The film embodies the term movie magic like no other. I believe theres a Tyrannosaurus-rex in front of me not just because of remarkable visual effects but because people are reacting like people would to seeing a dinosaur in front of them. 14. Ferris Buellers Day Off - A film that embodies the spirit of not just a generation but every generation of teenagers. How it was able to do so so flawlessly Ill never know, but Ill continue to enjoy it until I find out, and probably after that as well. 15. Back to the Future - This movie is a combination of so many genres of film that as a whole serves as a love letter to the medium as it creates moments that audiences will cherish viewing on a movie screen for the first time and every time after. I didnt expect to write this much, but I felt the need to express my reasoning for picking each movie as there were hundreds of others I couldve put on the list. I think now Im supposed to tag some other people, so: Alan, Noah, David, Parker, Shannon, Hollis, Ben, Sam
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 03:10:36 +0000

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