I got the number 12, so Im gonna write 12 things about me, Shauna, - TopicsExpress


I got the number 12, so Im gonna write 12 things about me, Shauna, and 12 things about Cameron, then both of us that maybe you didnt know since it is OUR Facebook. Cameron: 1. He is an 0311 in the US Marines. Theyre also called grunts. But most of you know them by the infantry men. & he is currently deployed. 2. He loves his truck and constantly wants to change it to make it different from everyone elses. 3. He gets out of the military next year so that we can move on with our lives together. 4. He grinds his teeth in his sleep & snores until I nudge him to make him stop. 5. He will only wear country boy stuff (or thats what I call it) meaning ducks unlimited and stuff like that. & if he wears a polo to be dressy, it has to be ironed. 6. He is a very picky eater. 7. He loves death by chocolate & its his favorite dessert. 8. He picks out the absolute best gifts when you make him do it by himself. 9. He hates playing video games. Hed rather be outside doing anything. 10. If he gets something, he has to deck it out instantly. We bought his truck and within a week it was like it is now. Same with our fourwheeler. 11. He HAS to sleep on his stomach. 12. He is extremely overprotective of any woman in his family, especially me and his mom. Me: 1. I have an obsession with playing with peoples ears, but only when theyre cold. 2. I am a certified pharmacy technician and want to be a pharmacist someday. 3. I wear pearls the majority of time and have to immediately buy more if I lose one. 4. I instantly change into my pajamas every time I get home. 5. I am called to do youth ministry. 6. I would rather buy things for others than myself. 7. I am just as bad as Cameron about revving his truck up. 8. I HAVE to be unique and my BIGGEST pet peeve is being copied because I am very creative. 9. I am extremely opinionated and Ill tell you exactly what I think if it comes down to it. 10. I HATE when someone doubts what a woman can do because I think I can do anything I set my mind to. 11. I was in the top 5 of my graduating class. 12. I would rather go yardsaling and thrift store shopping than to a regular store any day! Us together: 1. We met at our first job. 2. We were best friends for a REALLY long time before we ever actually dated. 3. We are the EXACT same, just in different bodies. 4. We discuss everything no matter what it is. I dont make decisions without him and he doesnt without me. 5. We have had our kids names picked out way before we ever thought of having any. 6. We were together way before the military. 7. We used to be so shy that we had to be forced to talk to each other. 8. We do everything together and rarely leave each others side. 9. We are expecting our first child, a handsome baby boy named Drake, in April. 10. We designed his truck and my car together. Not one thing was done to them without the others opinion. 11. Most of the time we result to movies on the couch with popcorn and a blanket because going out is becoming so over rated. 12. I would visit Cameron every single weekend he was in his School of Infantry in NC. And on April 16, 2011, there were tornado storms all over the Onslow county area of NC. Cameron and I hopped up and drove to the beach in Emerald Isle, NC because I love storms and wanted to see a tornado. When we got to the beach, he told me to look up and I was looking for a tornado. As I turned around, he had written will you marry me? In the sand and was on one knee beside it. I decided to say YES to my bestfriend that day and thats how our fairy tale marriage began!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 21:36:26 +0000

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