I got the number 17... 1.) I met Mike cruising the plaza. - TopicsExpress


I got the number 17... 1.) I met Mike cruising the plaza. Lol 2.) Mike and I started dating in January 1996 and I was 18. We were engaged in March, moved in together in May, married in September, and pregnant in October with Sara. Still going strong after 17 years. 3.) I love to redecorate rooms but rarely get to because of time and money. 4.) Christmas is my favorite time of year and anyone who comes to my house will see that. I have trees in almost every room of the house. 5. ) I did absolutely no sports in school. 6. ) Im actually a buckeye but dont claim to be. I lived close to Cleveland until 3rd grade. 7. ) I am OCD about colors matching. If it isnt exact it drives me nuts. 8. ) I love to bake and hate to cook. Yes there is a difference. I like the challenges of cakes, candies, and cookies but cooking dinner every night is one task I could do without. 9. ) I believe you can tell your childs personality while they are still in the womb. Sara flip flopped so much and kicked me in the ribs so much that I always stayed soar. Who would have guessed she would be a cheerleader? Lol When I was in labor with Abby she would be completely still until a contraction would come on and then she move around like crazy like it was making her mad. Shes just like this now and very stubborn... 10.) I graduated from East Carter. I was there during the school shooting and because of it I seriously had considered homeschooling Sara. 11. ) I worked at McDonalds when I first moved to Paintsville and I can still recognize people from back then that I waited on. 12. ) In high school I wanted to be a child psychologist. I never actually got to go to college. I dont regret it though. 13. )I am scared to death of any form of surgery or being put under. 14. ) I was so backwards in highschool I never really talked to anyone. Im over that now obviously but I still have times where I have to mentally force myself to speak. 15. ) I always wanted 3 kids. 16. ) When Sara was little I always had this bad feeling that something would change her life. I also had a huge fear of seizures. At one point when she was little I actually told a friend I felt if either of my kids were to have seizures I felt it would be Sara. I now think God was mentally preparing me for Saras epilepsy. My mom also worked with kids with epilepsy and the stuff she told me with how they dealt with them all came to me the day Sara had her first one. 17. ) Last but not least the most important. Mike and I was both saved in October 1997. We were also baptized together at Southside.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 01:13:26 +0000

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