I got this piece from one of my mentors after complaining to him - TopicsExpress


I got this piece from one of my mentors after complaining to him that my presumed fame was not in direct correlation with my bank account balance. The inspirational epistle gave succor to my almost-weary soul and I decided it might bless someone reading this too. Feelfreetoshare on your wall if it blesses you. LASER FOCUS Hello, Seun. I was aroused from deep sleep a few minutes ago by what I thought was my car alarm. I feared the worst. I’d begun to imagine the car had been vandalized by neighborhood small-time thieves. Thankfully, but unknown to me, my wife had parked the car within the premises last night so… phew! Anyway, I stumbled back into bed with the hope of continuing my sleep and dream (I was a Pullitzer-winning photojournalist covering high impact human stories unfolding in the middle east, but for some strange reason I couldn’t find my camera!!). Alas, sleep had fled away and the cinema theatre had closed for the night! As I struggled to go back to sleep, “Laser focus” came to my mind and with that, a train of thought that led me to you, and our conversation via BBM yesterday. I remembered my “buddy”, Dave Dugdale of learningdslrvideo and sister, Olivia of oliviatech. I was “there” when they “started” a few years ago, doing product review videos. They always both struck me with their obvious desire to LEARN and to SHARE, and Dave’s deep humility was just so out of this world! Fast forward to today, and now Dave has released a long (by internet standards) 45 minute video review of the new Panasonic GH4 to critical acclaim, and it has been watched up to 50,000 times within a week of its release! Today, his views and opinions are trusted by a large community of video/photography enthusiasts and professionals ALL OVER THE WORLD! Olivia’s success story is very similar, too! Now she travels all over the world to big events meeting and interviewing manufacturers of products used in the film and video industries. But it took time. And a lot of grit. Sweat, blood and tears. That’s the stuff dreams are made of. That’s the stuff YOU are made of! You may not look like much (to yourself or to whomever right now), but, Sir, stay in there! Keep on fighting! Keep on keeping on! Don’t you dare give up! These are the days of seeming insignificance, but you know what? Your time to ARISE is just around the corner! It’s inevitable! The Devil can’t stop it! The world can not stop it! NOBODY can stop it! Nobody! Well… except you. I lower my sights from my internet-inspirations, and look at my brother down the road, Wale Adenuga of “Today O” fame. I WAS there when he started the Praise and Worship adventure back in 1997 or thereabout. You don’t believe me? Ask him, you’ll see :-) Anyway, now you can’t talk about Praise and Worship in Nigeria today without mentioning his name. But it took time! An awful long time! We used to joke about it years ago that if anybody called us an overnight success we’d tell them it was the longest night ever! LOL! For all these 3 I’ve mentioned, the MEGA BUCKS have not started rolling in (at least to the best of my knowledge), but you know what, they ALL have tremendous, MASSIVE influence! They have a voice and people listen to whatever they have to say whenever they do! They have influence! And you know what, sir? You do, too! You didn’t know? Just check how many followers you have on various social media! Seun, YOU are already a leader! Money WILL come! OK. I gotta go and find my own dream. It’s now 4:29 a.m.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 14:22:09 +0000

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