I got to thinking about my post that said Im tired of pretending - TopicsExpress


I got to thinking about my post that said Im tired of pretending to be happy. What I meant by that was I am tired of going through the day having to remind myself that I should live in the moment and be happy. I think back to when I was child and I didnt have to remind myself so I compare it to back then. I realized Im not the same person as I was back then and that is okay. This thought lead me to many memories of a few months ago. When I would go through the day reminding myself of everything bad thats happening, has happened, or will happen. When I thought Id rather die to be next to Jesus then to live on this horrid planet. I realized how far Ive come from a few months ago and that I should not be complaining about having to remind myself of happiness because things are going to happen that will upset me. Theres no way around that. I realized that I was gifted to have this life and that I have a mission to complete. I have a purpose that has been given to me by an amazing father. Someone I had forgot about but hadnt forgot about me. That I should be thankful that I am now focusing on the good and no longer on the bad. I should be thanking God for all he has changed in me in these pass few months. Because of him I am no longer weak and I am no longer depressed. I am strong enough to go through the day pointing out the good rather then contemplating on the bad. This got me to thinking about when I had to go see a therapist. At this point I realized why I had to go through things I have went through. This therapist did nothing but ask me questions and tried to prescribe me medications. Which I had refused to take. I came across this website and this is what I found: A good example of mercy is found in Matthew 20:29–34: “As Jesus and his disciples were leaving Jericho, a large crowd followed him. Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus was going by, they shouted, ‘Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!’ The crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, ‘Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!’ Jesus stopped and called them. ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ he asked. ‘Lord,’ they answered, ‘we want our sight.’ Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they received their sight and followed Him.” Notice that the blind men associated mercy not with a feeling but with an action. Their physical problem was that they couldn’t see, so to them, the act of mercy was Christ’s intervention to restore their sight. Mercy is more than a feeling; it is always followed by an action. Read more:gotquestions.org/gift-of-mercy.html#ixzz3HHnOMH6X That is exactly what the therapist didnt do. He put no feeling in it for one but he also put no action towards be helpful. What is a pill gonna do for me except make me dependent on them? By the way I never went back this guy. I realized I was meant to get to the point of depression where I had to go see someone who showed me what I am not to do when I become a Psychologist. I realized I was meant to be a psychologist because I have both Mercy and Exhortation. I realized I would not only know how the person feels but I will help them feel how they need to feel. Which is something I learned from the website that is followed after what I found there. An exhorter’s basic motivational drive is to encourage believers to mature in Christ and to grow spiritually. Exhorters often seek to stimulate that development by teaching, counseling, and discipling others. An exhorter regards God’s sovereignty as his “favorite” characteristic of God.Exhorters regard trials as opportunities for growth. Since God is in control, they recognize that whatever happens has potential to glorify God and conform believers to the image of Jesus Christ. The exhorter sympathizes with the suffering Christian, but he sees the pain through the lens of God’s sovereignty rather than through the lens of suffering. (A person with the motivational gift of mercy, on the other hand, would see the pain through the lens of suffering.)Exhorters express love through availability.Given a choice of helping someone “spiritually” or helping him with a physical need (such as taking a meal to him or mowing his lawn while he’s in the hospital), the exhorter prefers to offer spiritual help. Given a choice of encouraging by empathy or encouraging by exhortation, a person with this motivational gift will exhort every time.Wise counsel flows from the heart of an exhorter who is able to skillfully identify precepts and principles in God’s Word.Exhorters love to encourage, encourage, encourage!Exhorters and mercy-givers make a good team for counseling someone who is discouraged. The person with the gift of mercy empathizes—he knows how the downhearted person feels. The exhorter exhorts—he knows how the personneeds to feel! The exhorter’s job is to give hope by sharing a Biblical perspective of the situation and reminding people of God’s power, love, and faithfulness. An exhorter avoids weeping with others (as the mercy-giver would weep), because he sees empathy as encouragement to wallow in self-pity. The exhorter wants to “move on” past the pain and take advantage of the opportunity to become more Christlike.An exhorter responds to problems by prescribing specific steps of action. His goal is to make the plan so easy to comprehend that people will understand it, see its potential, embrace it, and grow as a result of carrying it out. So not only do I have the desire to help others but I also know how they feel. Which is something that benefits not only me but them as well. Now I thank the Lord for all I have been through and I know I am on the right path. I was also thinking about my post that said everything does not happen for a reason and I realized I was wrong. Everything thing is already set out for you. Its on you to choose good or evil. If you continue to choose good you will continue on the right path. When you are follow your intuition, you are following your path. I am content with the path I am taking and I am okay with having to remind myself to be happy.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 21:15:58 +0000

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