I gotta be honest here. Im a unionized carpenter. I have been - TopicsExpress


I gotta be honest here. Im a unionized carpenter. I have been unionized for 6 years now and thank god for that. The amount of disrespect towards employees I see in the private sector, no matter what the profession, really pisses me off. Bosses treating their workers like crap, underpaying them, no overtime, no benefits, and working them long hours. I can honestly say that you rarely see that on union jobs because there is power in numbers. When workers stick together, their voices are heard. NEVER FORGET, your boss does not earn a penny without YOUR contribution. You as an employee hold the power to make or break them. The problem I see is that some private companies make their workers feel like leaving their job is financial suicide, therefore, creating a foundation of fear and fear is control. If you have a boss that is being disrespectful towards you and you are a competent and hard worker, to be blunt, tell him to get F$%&ed and quit right on the spot. You DESERVE to be treated with respect in your workplace and never compromise your dignity to satisfy some jerk off who treats you poorly. Some people disagree with unions but the truth is, in the past, our bothers and sisters literally fought and DIED for the rights towards a decent living and without their sacrifice workers would never see overtime pay, Benefits or pensions. Sure, unions are not perfect, but they work for the average worker to provide a sustainable life style and allows them to take care of their families. Although some do not agree with unions for whatever reason understand that we all fight for YOUR rights to be treated with respect.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 03:49:32 +0000

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