I gotta say I am increasingly concerned about all the hate Muslims - TopicsExpress


I gotta say I am increasingly concerned about all the hate Muslims posts that are showing up in my news feed the past couple of days. It worries me. I get that people are not happy with what is going on in Iran, and how the president is handling it. To be honest, I find both of those things kind of scary myself....I didnt vote for the man and I cant wait until his tenure is over...HE scares me too....and I get that there are SOME Muslims who really would just as soon see all of those who are not Muslim dead...THEY scare me too. But to paint all Muslims with the same brush is like painting all Christians with the same brush. As a Christian I find it at best ridiculous and at worst offensive when there are those who accuse me of believing that all children should be beaten within an inch of their lives when they dont toe the line because my Bible says spare the rod and spoil the child. I believe my Bible, but I dont believe in beating children....I dont believe that is what that passage means. I cant help but think that if there is more than one variety of Christian, there is more than one variety of Muslim as well. Some of the posts Im reading are soooooooo....ridiculous as to be completely unbelievable. And many of the so-called news sources that are posted as links to the true story and the conspiracy etc are so completely unreliable as to be ridiculous....but people keep reporting them as if they were fact. And the thing that terrifies me is that the point to all of them seems to be hate Muslims. Even if every word were true, and it isnt, a great deal of it is at the very least badly skewed....how is that helping? How is fomenting more fear and hate making anything even remotely better? Isnt that how we got here in the first place? Please stop people! And stop spreading the mindless hate! Think about what you are teaching your children....and the kind of world you are passing onto them!
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 20:53:38 +0000

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