I gotta say, I feel extremely satisfied and blessed about my life - TopicsExpress


I gotta say, I feel extremely satisfied and blessed about my life right now. I’m pretty dam happy with my current situation. Sure there are a plethora of things I had planned to accomplish at this point in my life but that is all a part of this crazy roller coaster we call life. Things don’t go as planned, failures occur, stress occasionally develops, we make mistakes and bad choices but even with all of what I have not attained, I still feel completely gratified that progress is being made. The feeling of knowing where I’m going as far as career path and goals to better my future is indescribable. My passion for motorsports is successfully being pursued, drift season has begun, I have a great family, I have great friends, I’m healthy, I was gifted with a positive mentality, I have awesome dogs, I’m going to Coachella with some awesome people, the summer is about to kick in. There is just so much to be excited about, I don’t mean to brag, but I just feel the need to count my blessings. We all have lots of it, it should never go unnoticed. The idea of everything we all have going for us is inspiration within itself. Life is just so much simpler when you acknowledge the smallest fragments that make your life beautiful. The more I think about what’s great about life simply multiplies the amount of inspiration that exists within me. As I inevitably realize the positives of life, it generates fuel in me that pushes me harder. Kinda like those yellow arrows in Mario-Kart that make you go faster. LOL I hope everyone feels as positive as I feel, Happy Friday everyone!! Stay inspired, stay smiling!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:05:44 +0000

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