I guess I should probably do some kind of introduction for the - TopicsExpress


I guess I should probably do some kind of introduction for the newbies, huh?! Ive changed the description of this page for privacy and security reasons, so beyond my random ramblings, you probably cant decide what youve gotten yourselves into it. Well, let me introduce myself 😉 First and foremost: I am not an autism expert, nor will you ever hear me say that I am. My expertise is limited to my kid, thats it. I dont blog because I dont want to and I dont have a book because I havent written one...yet. If I have something to say, Ill say it right here. I dont believe bloggers are more knowledgeable or experienced than any other autism parent on the planet and I dont believe having a book makes anyones journey more superior to another. That said, I read blogs...some of them I like, some of them...😳. I believe if you can find relatibility with someone through their words, it doesnt matter what form those words take. I share things on this little page that speak to me, whether its a blog or a meme or an article. The same thing that speaks to me, may not speak to you...were all on different journeys. Youll never hear me say I hate autism. There are days when the challenges of autism suck, but we dont hate my sons autism here. We love him and everything about him. We believe children should be celebrated just as they are. My child is almost 9 and plays with toys for a 6 month old sometimes...we dont care. We have no shame in sharing and celebrating him exactly as he is and exactly where is at developmentally. So, where is developmentally? Well, he has a diagnosis of severe autism. He was diagnosed at the age of 2, and it couldve been sooner. There is a direct genetic link between his biological father in that they both regressed at the age of 12 months old. Both lost the ability to speak. My sons challenges have always been more profound. His father recovered his speech early on and lives a typical life as a professional today. The regression for my son extends much further than loss of speech, but it is the main catalyst that resulted in his autism diagnosis. He still receives therapy and attends school in an autism classroom. He is a loving, funny, full of energy and laughter, kid. He is just a joy. We work hard and we play hard here. Quality of life is very important to us. My oldest son, now 21, is a United States Marine. My husband just retired from a career as a Marine after 20 years of service. He is a war veteran and infantry Grunt. He is my boys step-dad. As for me, Ive been a SAHM for 8 years. I used to work full time and I loved my job, but I found it very difficult to go back into the work place full time after my son was diagnosed with autism. The therapy, school and appointment schedule made it necessary for me to always be available. Times have changed a lot since the early days...who knows what the future holds. I find myself is to be the odd one amongst the sea of autism page admins. I dont drink coffee and I rarely drink wine. I dont really look forward to my kid going back to school...I kinda like having him home. I workout every day, its a habit I started way back 16 years ago, so to me its as normal as tying my shoes. I also purée veggies and bake them into my childs food because he wont eat one otherwise. I try to eat healthy myself and believe that health is important for everyone in my household. Obviously, that doesnt mean I dont demolish a box of chocolates every now and again, but MY health and well being is important to being there for my family...and thats a big deal to me and not something I take fore-granted. Im aware that these things are not popular among the autism mom community and I dont care. I am me and I aint changing for anybody. Trust me when I tell you that most mornings have been spent with a child walking circles around me in the living room while I do my thing...its not glamorous or something I have time for necessarily...I just make time and include my kid in it as much as possible. We tend to be a pretty athletically active family in general. We like it😊 Wont, cant and no are not words I accept easily. If theres a will, theres a way and Im very patient...I can wait. I believe in my kids 100% and I believe they are capable of anything. I give up is not in my vocabulary. I dont believe in pushing my kids...I believe in teaching them and showing them and I expect the same out of any teacher or therapist that hopes to make a difference in their lives. I also believe whatever works for you and your kid is what you should do. I assume everyone is doing the best they can for their kids. As it should be. So, unless youre one of those nuts shooting bleach up your kids rectum in an effort to cure them, we will get along just fine.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 20:59:55 +0000

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