I guess that the best way to tell someone about Tibetan Cranial is - TopicsExpress


I guess that the best way to tell someone about Tibetan Cranial is to tell you my story. I struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a child. I started taking anti-depressants in collage. I decided to major in psychology because I knew that I had some issues. My best thinking was that I would be able to help myself. I did social work on and off for 20 years. During that time, I struggled with addictions and finding that perfect balance with the medications. I did intensive psychotherapy. I did workshops. I did Trauma resolution. I saw a hypnotherapist......on and on....always searching. Dont get me wrong. Some of it helped tremendously. I really got some insight into my mind and I got to work through a lot of anger. I learned to practice forgiveness. I learned to take care of myself. I learned to meditate. I went to India. In 2011, I had a physical fall. Marble tile is NOT forgiving. I injured my lower back and as a result herniated a disc in my neck. I had never known pain and discomfort like I was experiencing. Doctors had told me I would eventually need surgery. They wanted to start me on injections. This sounded like a nightmare....not to mention I knew I would not be able to stay sober if I went this route. I found some relief with chiropractors and acupuncturists....but after a week or so, I would need another session. The funds to do this were not available. So I continued the search. I received a lot of reiki and later I worked through the levels.I had tremendous results with it on the lower back pain, but my neck was still a problem. The next coincidence was a chance meeting in line for the bathroom at a meditation retreat. Isnt that how the Divine always comes through? (When we are least expecting it.....and in the funniest places?) I was talking about how I was connecting the dots with everything in my life. I was also trying to get my neck back into place. Although I had had a tremendous healing with my lower back, my neck was still an issue. I had this habit of trying to pop it back into place. I hardly noticed that I did it.....but people around me did. The woman I was speaking with told me that she could help me with my neck issue. She was a Tibetan Cranial practitioner. After ONE session my neck popping was reduced and after several sessions, the pain is gone. I continued to receive the work whenever my friend came to town. Something very unexpected happened. My antidepressants started to become too strong. I would take them and my body would say, NO, and I would throw them up. Tibetan cranial has literally changed my life. I have no more back or neck pain. For the first time in 20 years I have been able to get of antidepressants. I have never had this much joy. My sphenoid bone was in the wrong place. This bone is literally the hip bone of the skull. When it is out, every bone of the skull is out of alignment. The structures that sit above it are the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. There glands regulate the hormone balance of the whole body. These glands aid us in getting to higher states of awareness. I believe, that in my case, my depression, which I took medication for 20 years, was a case of cranial nonalignment. When the bones were balanced, there was no need for pharmaceuticals. I am so impressed with the results, I have rearranged my life to learn this ancient art! Come get a session.....find a new balance!!!!!!
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:11:07 +0000

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