I gulped and began to pray madly. “Dad, if you can hear me, - TopicsExpress


I gulped and began to pray madly. “Dad, if you can hear me, please, let me live! Kill that thing! I dont care how, but please! I promise you anything in return, just please, I havent...” I was about to say “I havent asked you for anything before”, but that was I no way true. I had asked my father for plenty of things before, and he had usually obliged. I hoped my luck hadnt run out. The dragon squeezed itself further through the door, then with a splintering of wood, it lashed its tail up the street before letting out a roar so loud it was a few seconds before I realised that I was screaming. I quickly shut up, but it was too late. The dragon flicked its burning red eyes toward my brick pile and roared again. At least, I think it did. I still couldnt hear anything from the last time. The dragon took a step towards me, then stopped in surprise. It whipped its head round to stare behind it. I gasped in horror. Churro was playing with the dragons tail. I almost cried out, but I realised that if I called Churro to me, he would eat me. I tried to shake it into myself that if The dragon killed Churro, that would be one less monster to worry about right? I couldnt quite convince myself, but I held my tongue. The Dragon stared at the pile of bricks where I was hiding. I hefted one that wasnt to bashed up and prepared to defend myself. I knew I couldnt hold out for very long against a large dragon and a street full of monsters, but I believed that my father would save me. I didnt see how, but he had never failed me yet. But then, my last hope dissolved as the beast opened its mouth and flame engulfed the little mound of rubble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I curled into a ball as tight as I could, hoping against hope that somehow the pain would end. Suddenly, the flames stopped. I uncurled my fingers slowly and realised that I had been gripping my piece of brick so tightly my fingers were bleeding. Beyond this, my brain registered numbly that for some reason I was still alive. I looked down at the rest of me and squeaked in shock. My clothes were on fire. I swatted at them to try to put them out, but only succeeded in burning my hands. I rolled. This succeeded in quenching the flames, but left me in the open. I scampered back to my tiny refuge. The dragon hadnt noticed me, thankfully. But he had noticed Churro. He growled at the chimera, and I shut my eyes tight. When I peeked out from behind my eyelids, dust was drifting from between the dragons teeth and he was blinking in surprise, trying to get chimera out of his eyes. Tears spring to my eyes, and I throw my brick at the dragon. Naturally, I missed. My brick flew over the dragons head, bounced off the wall and hit him in the back of the head. He didnt have to think hard. He whirled around and flamed the entire alley behind him. I could hear the wails and shrieks of the monsters as they vaporised and returned to Tartarus. I stood up slowly, stunned by what I had just witnessed. But then the dragon turned toward me. I cowered. There was nothing left to distract the dragon now, no-one was going to save me. I was alone, with burned and bleeding hands, half my clothes burned away, no chimera, and no weapon save for a small pile of bricks. Desperately, I looked behind me, and a plan formed slowly in my head. But I was just a second too long in planning. Suddenly, the dragon had pinned my to the ground with one foot-long talon. I gulped and tried for a smile.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 08:05:58 +0000

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