I had FABULOUS time this past Sunday hosting the Intact Florida - TopicsExpress


I had FABULOUS time this past Sunday hosting the Intact Florida booth at River City Pride Festival here in Jacksonville. I just cant wait to do it again next year! And possibly join in the parade as well! Most people were very open and receptive to our message. Quite a few thanked me (and my lovely helper for the first half, Natalie H. Alaniz) for fighting the good fight and saving babies! We educated a ton of people not only on the TRUTH of circumcision and its harms, but also the functions and proper care of the foreskin.Met an awesome sociology professor and we will be working out the details for me to come in and talk to his classes about circumcision! But the most memorable moments by far were when a mom learned the truth (HOW circumcision is performed, the true risks, and what is taken away) & she turned to her son (he was about 5 or 6) and sincerely apologized to him , and when a circumcised american stopped by the booth with his two French friends and they were HORRIFIED at what this country does to their innocent (one looked like he was about to puke)! All in all it at was a great day! Changed a few minds (some are now know better, do better moms), planted seeds, educated a few, and even gave some hope to those curious about restoration! Thank you to all those who stopped by and/or contributed in some way (whether by donating items, money, time, or spreading the word about the event! P.S.: next to us was a funeral home & whenever I the risk of death, everyone would look over there. Made the statement more powerful and scary! - RY
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 13:17:49 +0000

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