I had a bizarre evening. I just took the bus to the Mueller - TopicsExpress


I had a bizarre evening. I just took the bus to the Mueller H.E.B. to do a little shopping in the nice early evening air, when the sunset was so amazing. Stood in a field watching the sky while also doing some local rock hunting on the way. Then, on the way home, riding down Cameron Road, we stopped at Corona and three of us got on. Just as the bus was starting up, BANG! We heard this loud noise. The driver stopped We thought we had a flat tire and there were general groans. But, turns out that wasnt the case. Instead, someone had thrown a huge rock against the bus, very hard. We started up again, and made it to the next nearby stop (there are several close stops back of a shopping center). And BANG! again. Only this time, glass shattered, and into the seat that I was in! I discovered a bit later that I had glass bits (thankfully, safety glass that shattered without being too sharp) in my hair, down my clothes and arm, as well as on my backpack and even in some shopping bags that were by the window but mostly closed. This time, the driver called CapMetro security (who are extra shift Austin Police in full uniform but without cop cars). Guys with cop cars came later. CapMetro told our driver to stay put, but he felt we were like sitting ducks there, and got permission to move on to the next major intersection. And then, BANG! BANG! a couple more hits. At the intersection, we all gave our statements. Only one person was well placed to see the person doing the damage and couldnt see well through the sun-shaded bus windows, but saw a tall person in a white shirt walk back across the street to some apartments. Pictures were taken, even of the very minor scrapes I had from the safety glass as Id brushed it from my arms. A second bus was sent for. When the second bus drove up to the same previous areas, BANG! He was hit, too. Since there was quite a bit of security and police activity at that point, they may have been able to locate whoever was doing this. At home, I brushed my hair well, changed clothes, peeled layers of skin off the onions in one of the bags, just to be sure, and didnt find a significant amount of glass in the bags--a few flakes. The bus had a big hole in the window where the second strike had hit (both rocks and bricks were being used). When we got in the second bus, we could see several windows had been damaged on the first bus. Definitely glad to get home and off the buses!
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 09:30:16 +0000

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