I had a check-in phone session with Koa, Qaisuke and Rebecca - TopicsExpress


I had a check-in phone session with Koa, Qaisuke and Rebecca Blackbyrd, Animal Communicator today that filled my soul, as usual, and I wanted to share a general synopsis of what I learned... That Koa likes Schatzi now. He says theyre fine. That sometimes he goes to visit her, that shes real alpha and he likes that about her. That they dont necessarily play but they can relate to each other. At least 2 of our previous sessions were actually about Koa being terrified of Schatzi coming over and kicking his ass. I knew theyre okay now but how poignant that Koa really wanted to make sure I knew that before saying anything else. My main concern in arranging this session is that there is a neighbor who leaves a bowl of kibble out and Qaisuke is getting fat from it. She is like a garbage disposal in that she can eat like anything and not get sick. Koa is getting fat, farty and sick from it. Qaisuke says the novelty of having free junk food whenever she wants will probably wear off after awhile. She also trucks around enough to burn some of it off. Koa says he emotionally eats. Eats when hes bored. Gets so excited about discovering it when Caleb and Qaisuke are on their rounds and hes wandering aimlessly around by himself that he absolutely must have it. Im all like, in Merles Door (my guidebook to this madness), Ted Kerasote has to finally resort to using a shock collar to convince Merle to stop overeating. I also feel there are next to no appropriate uses for a shock collar but I was prepared for this to be an exception, the cost of all the growth freedom brings. Koa says the shock collar would be far more upsetting to him than an effective deterrent. Okay... No shock collar. Of course the solution lies in redirection, but I needed to have the reminder. Biking. More hiking, more engagement, more structure, more time with me.. (even if it just means sitting in the car while I live my life). Milk Thistle and liquid chlorophyll to detox.... and like in human life where we eat bad things sometimes, its a matter of less, not none. I brought up Ayelet the Fox and Braxton the Goat. Ayelet was in Qaisukes image. Braxton was in Koas, right down to how he had a hernia on his belly that mirrored the fatty cysts on Koas. Right down to how Ayelet was a wild animal while Braxton was a domesticated animal. The wild in Qaisuke has always been as apparent to me as the domestic in Koa. I believe wholeheartedly that Ayelet and Braxton died sacrificially this summer so that Qaisuke and Koa could live. And I believe Caleb also struck a deal at some point with the wild creatures of the mountains. I joke that hes the mountain lions karmic/spiritual lover, but to be honest I dont think this is that far from the truth. I presence, yet again, that in a logical, non spiritual sense, I play with fire by giving my dogs freedom up here. But as the months have passed, I began to get a sense that Agreements were reached. Yet, I am still stunned by the enormity of having Rebecca confirm them. She said that Caleb and Qaisuke are completely integrated members of the ecosystem up here, that they know the territory lines. They know where they can safely go alone, and where they cannot. Koa has started leaving the property sometimes to visit with others, but his wandering is more aimless and really only about seeking company. I am pleased that he has gotten bolder, but I question if he is at risk having not established the same kind of ecosystem membership and so Im praying tonight that he too reaches an Agreement with the wild animal community, that his naivety is nurtured into wisdom by my Angels, his Angels and Universal Love. He was able to work it out with Schatzi. I have faith that Braxton bought him time, and he will continue to grow and evolve on the land while still staying true to his life path. I asked Qaisuke what she does on her rounds. She says she usually follows Caleb, but they have separate routes that they always follow, that his is longer. She says that shes established various check points that she checks in at on schedule throughout the day. I remember one time I took her to town with me all day and when we got home around midnight, she said that Id made her miss an important appointment. She says she did her rounds as quickly as she could but I remember she was gone for an hour. She says that there is a hill that they go on top of to enjoy the view, that sometimes Koa joins them, sometimes not. She says she usually follows Caleb but sometimes Caleb goes somewhere and sits for hours on end and if hes doing something boring she moves on without him. In refocusing on meeting Koas needs better and continuing to acknowledge what different life paths he and Qaisuke lead from one another, I asked Qaisuke if I can take Koa biking without her because he needs the exercise because he doesnt make rounds. I said she wouldnt be able to keep up. Shes like I could keep up. Rebeccas like, she thinks she could keep up but....) Im like Would you be alright if I asked you to stay home while I take him? Qaisuke: Id be incensed, but it wouldnt hurt my feelings. ***NOTE: Koa gets upset. Qaisuke gets incensed. You have to know them well to really grasp the irony of this.****
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 03:00:27 +0000

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