I had a few ppl send me this thing, so here it is: 13 of - TopicsExpress


I had a few ppl send me this thing, so here it is: 13 of them! 1. Since we moved from Florida, in every state in which we lived, I have adopted a local team to cheer for so I could relate to and have meaningful sports conversations with the locals. Then after leaving that state, I give away or throw away the team clothes. 2. I am a pastor today, but in Bible College I wanted to be a traveling evangelist. 3. I love to read, but not for entertainment. If I want entertainment, I will watch a movie or a ball game. I read to learn and grow. My favorite books are on Theology or Leadership. 4. I once danced on stage in front of nearly 1,000 people to a Christian Hip/Hop song because our youth group hit an attendance goal. 5. My wife first saw me while she was on a youth group trip to World Harvest Church, in Columbus, Ohio for Camp Meeting. The funny thing is that I was dating someone at the time. It was like 2 years later, when I was vacationing in Panama City, Florida that we actually met. The youth pastor of the church in Florida, who was recruiting me to move to be his assistant youth pastor, introduced me to every single girl there, except for my wife. 6. I was the only person in my first grade class whose parents were not either separated or divorced. 7. Having been worked both in the secular world and the Christian world (obviously) I find that people are OFTEN treated better in secular jobs by bosses that are not born again than they are working in church jobs. I have always felt like that was a shame. 8. I know that my wife is a better writer than me and I really want her to take my notes and research and turn them into a book that sells lots of copies. 9. I said in High School that I never wanted to live south of Cincinnati, Ohio. Now I have lived in the South for almost 16 years. Funny how that works out. 10. In kindergarten I stole a “Lego Man” action figure from Nelsonville York Elementary. A girl on the bus saw it in my pocket, so I lied to her and said it was just one that “looked like” the Lego Man from school. I felt so bad that night that in the morning I smuggled it back into its rightful place at the school. A few months later, I repented for my horrible sins at First United Methodist Church and my life of crime came to an end. 11. I became a children’s pastor after never having even volunteered in a children’s church class before. The children’s ministry thing lasted for almost 5 years. In one church the children’s ministry more than doubled in size while we were there. I have found out that being a children’s pastor is not much different than being a senior pastor. The parents usually act just like their kids. 12. Once my freshman or sophomore year in H.S. during a varsity basketball game I decided to shoot a 12ft. fade a way jump shot while I was being double teamed. While I was in the air, I heard my coach yell to one of my team mates who was on the bench, “Go Get Him!” That meant that the error of my ways was going to land my behind on the bench. Then the shot is a “nothing but net” shot, and the coach tells the person who was going to replace me, “sit down. 13. I would rather spend time with my wife and kids than anyone else!
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:23:48 +0000

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