I had a friend who is a Mormon. She remains a friend to many of - TopicsExpress


I had a friend who is a Mormon. She remains a friend to many of you to this day. My page has served as a central meeting point for many, many Christians. Lots of you have found each other right here and have become fast friends. Even if you have come to disagree with me over the years and have unfriended me, you have retained friendship with people you met on my page. I find that both gratifying and ironic at the same time- especially as some of you have come to almost hate me behind the scenes. Be that as it may, I have unfriended this Mormon friend because I unfriend all Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and Masons because they are all cults. I know some of you belong to these cults but remain silent about it. That is fine. I unfriend only those who are vocal about it and insist on trying to either protect these cults or try to advocate or push their beliefs on Christians on my page. I must add a note of precaution to all my friends here to not bring Catholics up in this discussion as I do not consider them to be a cult. So, please, dont add them to the list in the following discussion. I wont allow it. I understand that the Catholic church has done many things that I dont consider biblical but they still remain within the overall definition of Christian. These other cults do not. They deny the deity of Christ; they deny his very identity; they deny that his birth, life, death and resurrection is wholly sufficient for salvation. Catholics, despite their traditions with which we might not agree, do not deny these basic tenets of Christianity. Thus, they are Christians. One of the hardest things to do as Christians is to warn those we love that they are going to die because they reject Christ. Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to warn someone who is in a cult like the Mormons, the Seventh Day Aventists and the Masons. Each of these cults has taught their members about secrecy and fear of rejection. They have been conditioned to expect Christian attacks and how to deal with it. They will reject you violently and quickly. They will say they pity you for being the way you are and then they will say that they will pray for you. They know the buzz words. They have been schooled most carefully. Your own fears will rise to the surface when confronting people in these cults. They will give you every reason why they are indeed Christians. But each and every one of these practices reject Christ in the way I have defined above. The Mormons will tell you they have the KJV of the bible- not so. They have a special, re-written version of the KJV of the bible, the Mormon KJV which leaves out major portions of Pauls writings as well as others. It certainly leaves out the thief on the cross who called on Jesus to remember him. According to the Mormons, there is no deathbed confession, no ability to call on the Lord to be forgiven- without a lifetime of good works, there is no salvation. Masons worship the Great Architect, not God or Jesus. Anyone or anything other than God or Jesus is satan. It is an idol. Period. They also have a different book than the bible- it uses words from the bible but it is re-written and Jesus name has been stricken out of it. Seventh Day Adventists use the bible but they revere the writings of a woman named Ellen White and have a bizarre obsession with food and health. They follow a weird set of rules that are completely outside the bible, worship Ellen White rather than Jesus and do everything contrary to what God commands. Yet, YOU must speak to each of these people in your lives. Does this mean you need to unfriend them or reject them? No. You are not in my shoes. I run a public page. I have thousands of readers, you dont. I have to worry about weak and new Christians who can be influenced by the words of these people. You dont. I unfriend these people, not because I am mean, but because I cant have them lying on my page and influencing people who are ignorant of the Word and who are still highly influenced by satan. They need to hear the Word, not satans lies. But you must still speak the TRUTH to these people in your life. This woman whom I have unfriended is still friends with many of you. You need to know with whom you are friends on FB. Be sure to witness properly to those who are on the path to death. God will surely hold YOU responsible for their death. He wont accept ignorance as an excuse when you see him. Read Ezekiel below. God set us as watchmen at the gate. We dont even get a reward for warning those around us. We just save ourselves. This sends a chill up my spine. That is one of the reasons I do what I do. I fear Gods disappointment with me. We arent on this earth for our enjoyment. We are here to serve our Lord and King. Use your FB pages to witness to your friends and family. No matter how uncomfortable that might make you. Take the time to use your private messaging to reach out to those whom you know will die for their rejection of Christ. Pray daily for wisdom and read the Word of God so that you will be properly armed. These words of Ezekiel are hard, hard words to hear. I give them to you because I love you and fear God. I am your watchman at this moment. May God bless you and keep you. Susan
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:07:51 +0000

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