I had a neat set of dreams, one that kinda influenced another, and - TopicsExpress


I had a neat set of dreams, one that kinda influenced another, and due to the theme of the second dream I feel I should exclaim right now; BLOOD MOTHS ARENT REAL! I made them up! The first dream I had I cant remember fully, it was one of those you had to be having it in order for it to make sense dreams, and honestly I think I cried in my sleep at how beautifully it was set up (if you were there, in retrospect it unfortunately doesnt make sense). It was about the final episode of a long running tv series about something, it starred Sarah Michelle Gellar and had T-ELOS from Xenosaga in it. I cant remember what the show was about, per se, but the show was being taken off the air prematurely due to the fact that SMG had an infection of Blood Moths and would die soon in real life from them. What are Blood Moths? They sounded freaggin horrible! Blood Moths are a parasite that you can get from swimming in rivers/lakes/mostly swamps. Basically they are these microscopic leeches that are in bad swamp water, if you accidentally drink the swamp water you can get these. These leeches then absorb into your blood stream and gather more blood until they grow into bees that look like Moths. I dont just say moths because they only look like Moths with stingers, everything they do is actually more bee like. But after these leeches turn into blood moths they slowly take parts from inside your body, digest them, and start building a new hive using the nutrients they gathered from you. Thats right, THEY BUILD A BEEHIVE INSIDE YOU. This beehive is randomly inside your body, but eventually it either pierces a vital organ and/or breaks the surface of your skin, and then the Blood Moths devour whats left on the outside of your body until only their beehive remains. Its INCREDIBLY GRUESOME! And really gross to see someone with like a hole in the hip that has these bees coming out of it. Back to the show, SMG obviously didnt want to die, so she had this breakdown about how she didnt want the show to end, and how she wished it could go on forever. The show then cuts to black, and apparently it ends with the first quote the show ever said in the first episode by T-ELOS, which I guess was are you SURE you want to do this?. Now, in my dream I had felt that I had been watching this show for a good like 10 years, so hearing the VERY FIRST line again at the very end under such extreme dramatic circumstances was actually a beautiful full circle to me, and I feel like I actually cried about it. The SECOND dream was a little more comical. It was apparently my birthday, but I was pretty rich and famous by then because the parties we were throwing seemed to be on the richer side. I was telling people about the prior dream I had and how beautiful it was, and how I wish I could get it back to see more of it. Then Id mention Blood Moths. Everyone would think its a silly but freaggin awesome idea, to a point were it started trending in Facebook and misconstrued into people thinking Blood Moths were real. This all happened in the span of like two hours, because as we did more and more stuff for my party I would hear more people bring up Blood Moths, mostly with incorrect information about how they worked. I would constantly tell people that it was just a silly dream I had and that blood moths arent real or shouldnt be a popular thing, but that didnt seem to stop it from spreading like wildfire. People would tell me their cousins got blood moths, there was a game we were working on at IGT that was originally supposed to be about zombies that we switched to be about blood moths, movies were being made about it, it became the new zombies as far as entertainment fads go. And here I was, being all hipster and mad about it, trying to tell everyone it wasnt real. So... now I may have a running Blood Moths Arent Real! gag hidden in the background of some shots.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 22:41:40 +0000

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