I had a taste of what Adam went through in the garden of Eden, - TopicsExpress


I had a taste of what Adam went through in the garden of Eden, seriously e no funny. I traveled to my village for my grand mothers burial on thursday... That evening, my dad had to meet with one of our neighbours that had a serene compound to allow us serve special guests in this compound. The man agreed, he even released his plastic seats and table for our use. He just had one rule DO NOT TOUCH MY GUAVA he had a very big guava tree with very big ripe guava fruits in his compound, and just a look at that tree, I knew I was in for serious temptation. From the moment I started washing the seats with my friend slimshady and my kid brother, they wanted to pluck the guava, but once I mentioned the condition to them, they would abstain from the tree. I succeeded in keeping everyone away from that tree, from that thursday till sunday... Even the SPECIAL GUESTS we wanted to serve in that compound wanted to have a taste of those guavas but somehow I kept them away from it. Now the wake keep, burial and thanks giving service was over, and my friend and brothers had gone back to enugu and to school. I just had to stay back to finish what I started. Then on monday I went into that compound to clean the seats and arrange them, then lock the compound finally and return the key, my cousin sister came to help me. She saw the tree and made straight for the fruit... I told her of the rule and she agreed to keep it... But she didnt!!! I had gone behind the compound to keep some seats and on returning, I saw this lady eating guava... Onyi what did you just do? Didnt I tell you not to touch that guava? She laughed and told me she just plucked one, and no body was ever going to find out. If you like stay there and be dulling, dont come and pluck one....... I was furious, not really cos she plucked the guava, but because she wasnt showing any sign of remorse, even Eve in Eden showed remorse, and also cos she had eaten the fruit before me *winks*. A tree I guided for 4 days without tasting its fruit, that was when I felt what Adam felt in Eden. I convinced myself that no one would find out about the plucked fruit. So I tidied the compound and we left. My dad later came back to inspect the compound and the job done, I came with him, cos I wanted to brag about how responsible and faithful I could be with a task. Then dad noticed a half eaten guava on the floor. Onyi had eaten just half of the guava and dropped the other half on the floor. How did I not see it? My dad turned to look and me and I couldnt look straight into his eyes, I couldnt even tell him it was onyi that ate it, cos the instruction was that I shouldnt let anyone touch it. My dad was furious, and scolded me seriously.... I was just there thinking, a tree I guided thursday, friday, saturday and sunday, then a woman spoilt everything on monday. *in patty obasis voice* Ezi nwanyi di uko. A sin I didnt commit, a fruit I didnt eat, even Adam tasted the fruit, but I didnt, but here I am taking punishment for what I didnt do. WHY DID GOD HAVE TO CREATE WOMEN???? Note- After receiving the scolding from Dad, I just waited for him to enter the backyard, then I plucked one guava and left. I just had to taste it, especially after receiving the scolding. And believe me, the Guava was worth the protection it was giving and the scolding I received.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 10:18:27 +0000

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