I had a tough but enlightening discussion with someone in the - TopicsExpress


I had a tough but enlightening discussion with someone in the autism community the other night. Im still processing. I want and need to write about it... for me, and for you. We both have things to learn. But, heres the deal: Right now, tonight, I am so deeply contented to the very core of my being... that Im not going to take off my rose-colored glasses to think too hard. Im going to sit here in total thanks for every good thing the Lord has given me: my family, my friends, my tribe, my mentors... my kitty, my space, my new-found organizational skills... my peace, my joy, my faith. You can try to call me unrealistic and entirely too positive, but, youd be wrong. I KNOW how dark life can be; I fight critically high blood sugars (Ive seen 500 twice in less than two weeks), and extreme pain, and fatigue to the point of tears every day. I fought despair and mental illness and feeling completely alone for 25 years. I know what this life can be. So, all the more for knowing it, Im going to bask in the perfection of this evening... And tend to the fight before us all--changing the worlds ideas about autism--another day. Just so you dont think Im SO VERY SERIOUS, well, you know what the biggest problem of my day was on Wednesday? My insulin pump site disconnected for who-knows-how-long and I was 486 by the time I realized it, but it wasnt that. My benefits got screwed up and I faced the possibility of losing my insurance, but it wasnt that either. Lucy-the-wild-woman-I-mean-cat-Goose meowed her kitty heart out half the morning, making sleep a very tough thing indeed, but it wasnt even that (after all, when I called her, she came and snuggled, and anything ending in Goose snuggles is automatically okay). It was the fact that I lost my only normal-person-sized spoon and thus had to finish the pint of ice cream with a fork. Do you know that the melty, chocoate-y goodness collects at the bottom of the carton? I had a fork. A forsaken FORK, I tell you. Now that... is a crisis. Not one my hand couldnt handle. WHAT?! The Goose is the only one here, and its not like SHE cares if I eat with my hands... shed shove her whole face into that carton, if I let her.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 03:12:57 +0000

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