I had a vision to get in the best shape of my life. Ive been - TopicsExpress


I had a vision to get in the best shape of my life. Ive been working out and eating healthy for years but I wanted a toner body. I wouldnt call myself fat or even skinny fat. I was chubby fit. I was soft, I looked great in clothes but fluffy when naked which was fine for many years because I was able to maintain my weight and I was physically able to run, bike, hike and do numerous activities. Push up, planks, one pull-up was no big deal. I wanted a new physique. Ive been inspired from the first time I read and learned about Jamie Eason. I started implementing her workouts and diet on BodyBuilding. Somehow I couldnt get leaner and toner on my own despite all that I was doing. I accepted that I was built thicker and that I couldnt change or rebuild my body. There was a small voice that refused to believe that. I would look at numerous pictures of big girls who transformed their bodies and thought to myself if they could do it at that heavier weight then why cant I do it too. After researching for some time, I found a local trainer Nicki and I called her to set up an appointment to meet her. I liked her right away and was eager to get started. I told her my goals that I wanted to get in the best shape of my life and maybe someday do a bikini competition. However, I had a few set backs. I am a working nurse with two jobs, I am a mother, I am a wife, Im very involved with my church (I hold leadership callings), Im also busy with various committees and projects at work. I dont have a set schedule and I needed flexibility and I could only train three times a week because my life is really busy. I wanted to make a change and see real results so I committed and we got started that first week of November 2013. From the beginning I had to find time to get my weekly cardio time in. I could not get up early enough to go to the gym. It was impossible so I started jogging the stairs during my hour lunch break (some of you might remember me telling HFM about this). I did it for six months straight until it got too hot. I went from training three times a weeks to four times a week to five times a week all while continuing to increase my cardio time. Somehow I found a way to make it work. My husband really stepped up to help out around the house because I couldnt do it all. I still worked 36-48 hours/week. I still volunteered with my church, I was still very involved with committees and projects at work. I was still a mom. I still had to cook and prepped all my meals. I became super organize and always planned in advance. I became more efficient at multitasking. I could prep all my meals, get laundry done, and have the house clean. I also learned to let things go because there were weeks when the cleaned laundry was still sitting in the basket and my toilets were not cleaned. This journey was not possible if it wasnt for my husband and our siblings helping and stepping in when we needed them. When I look back at this last year I realized in retrospect that I followed Arnold Shwartneggers Six Rules to Success. 1. Trust yourself I had a dream and I believed that I would be in the best shape of my life. I had to trust that everything was going to go well. This journey has not only made me stronger as an individual but a better wife, mother, nurse, daughter and sister. 2. Break some rules I was a shy, quiet Hmong girl. Nice, sweet and obedient. I grew up conservative and wore a bikini twice on vacation. I only wore tankinis. I secretly wanted to do a bikini body building competition show. My friends and family who grew up with me would never thought Ill do something like this. Im breaking my own barriers. 3. Dont be afraid to fail With anything you just have to do it. I had a burning desire and I had no fear. Truthfully I was able to do this because the stars were aligned. Everything fell in its placed with timing, my kids aged and even financially. Most of all my husband and I have a wonderful relationship where we are very supportive of each other. I was in very good place physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Everything was just right and I took the opportunity to make my dream come true. 4. Ignore the naysayers I surrounded myself with good, positive friends and family members who would uplift and inspire me. 5. Work like hell I worked my butt off. Some how some way I was able to do it. I never missed a workout. I was consistent. I was organized and planned every hour of the day to every week and month. I never made an excuse, I just did it. If I had to get up at 4 in the morning for fasted cardio or go to the gym after a 12 hour shift, I just did it. I did whatever it took. I never cheated. I worked out and ate healthy all the way to my competition physique. 6. Give something back. I truly believe in giving back. I volunteer once a year to be a camp nurse for about 150 girls for a week. I love teaching at my church. I love visiting and helping the sisters and families at my church. It softens my heart to have compassion and love for everyone. It gives me meaning in my life and truly humbles me and allows me to reflect of why we are here on earth to help and love one another. Last on my list that Arnold did not have is to have a great attitude and have fun. This has been an amazing fitness year. I had fun every step of the way even on days that were brutally grueling. I did it with a smile. I never complained. I had my doubts but I remained positive. I always see the glass half full and thats my secret. Never give up. Remember that it takes time. It took me ten years of healthy eating and being fit to get to where I was last November. It took me a year to build good eating habits, consistency and a strong muscular foundation. It took twelve weeks of strict dieting and butt kicking exercise to do the last phase of my body transformation. This did not take over night. It took time and patience. No diet pill, no juice, no detox, no shakes. This was straight up eating wholesome real food and working out consistently. Patience, patience, patience. If you keep doing whats right for your body and never give up, your body will reward you with the efficiency and innate powers it has. Permanent changes takes months to years. If you keep working at it one day you wake up and you will see the changes, I promise. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, continue to challenge yourself. I have a list of things on my fitness bucket list that I continuously am checking off. The physical looks is just the icing on the cake, I am stronger and healthier from the inside out. If I, Diane a short chubby fit girl with a mommy tummy can transform her body, you my beautiful Hmong sister can do anything you set your heart to. Love, Diane
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 18:24:45 +0000

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