I had all but lost hope. My country running headlong into a - TopicsExpress


I had all but lost hope. My country running headlong into a Socialist state. We as Texans had become aware of something neglected in the teaching of public schools--that our nation is a confederation of sovereign states protected by the Bill of Rights and that the state of Texas was losing not only the right of self governance, but its own destiny. The will of its people have been subjugated by a bureaucratic and regulatory brute of a Nationalist Government. My faith in the Republican party was shipwrecked on the rocks of the false hopes and empty promises of the conservative Representatives and Senators I sent to Washington. I was forced in three presidential elections to vote for the lesser evil. And what did it get me? Well, you know first hand. I swore to never send another dime to the Grand Old Party. But then Ted Cruz came along. Finally, a man with backbone and principles, not only faithful to the Constitution, but intimately versed in the words of that document which our founding fathers designed. To the average American and even Texan, Ted Cruz came from out of nowhere. Texans had grown weary of Representatives and Senators going to Washington to protect and defend our values only to have them assimilated into that bloated and narcissistic beltway of D.C. I guess when you lavish honor and inordinate respect on an individual long enough, it goes to their head. And if Mr. Cruz were to ever betray our trust, we would toss him out the same, and I believe that he would be the first to say, Amen! (And by the way, if you do give monetary support--send it to the individual!) And that brings us to Dwayne Stovall--from out of nowhere. If you dont know what he stands for, just read some of his thoughts (texansforstovall/issues.php). Dwayne is just another Texan. Not a politician. Just someone like you and I, who having watched our country disintegrate and having grown tired of just complaining, felt an urgent need to put up, or shut up. He started reading up on the Constitution and learning more about things such as federalism and what a republic is and how it makes for an equitable life for all of its citizens. He learned what Rule of Law is and how it is being usurped by the present occupiers of Washington. Ive got a pen, and Ive got a phone... are clear and present dangers to our way of life. It is the antithesis of Rule of Law. What is Rule of Law? It is defined in various words, but it all boils down to the idea that everyone, regardless of station in life and wealth or the lack thereof, is held to the same rules of law, never arbitrary, and not subject to the whims of the individual or group. We now have the opportunity to send another man who will stand with Cruz, protecting the Sovereign rights and powers of Texas left to us in the Constitution. I am working to help send Dwayne Stovall to Washington. I am now trying to place radio spots out there so other people can get to know him. If you feel the way I do, would you consider sponsoring one spot on the radio for thirty dollars? If not thirty, would you help out with ten dollars? If we can get enough people to pitch in, we can get the word out that we have another man who cares about where our country is headed and will stand with Ted Cruz. If you are not able, will you share this message with your friends, church family and co-workers? It is going to take another grass roots movement to elect someone who will make a difference for Texas. Most of you know me. I say this with all my heart. We HAVE to get involved. Will you help? If you are interested in volunteering, give me shout. Private message me, text or call. Remember, on March 4, vote Constitution, vote Dwayne Stovall. Thanks for your time, David Acuff.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 09:08:50 +0000

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