I had an absolutely horrible dream last night. I was climbing up - TopicsExpress


I had an absolutely horrible dream last night. I was climbing up the outside of an incredibly tall structure. It was not a building, because it was shaped like a jungle-gym, though on an incredible scale. There were platforms every hundred feet, wide and strong enough to hold landscapes, forests, hills, worlds. I was trying to get to the top where something remarkable was waiting. After a while I heard an odd clanking blow me, catching up fast. I looked down and saw the dalmatian that I had when I was a child. This dog was, in life, featured in a newspaper once for doing exactly what he did in this dream - albiet on a smaller scale. I knew that as long as I kept climbing, he would try to follow. I also knew that he would not make it to the top. I knew that I HAD to get to the top of the structure. We got to a platform that held a forest and I went inside. I was going to make a bag to carry him with so that we would both survive, but he was so excited to see me that he jumped around like a puppy and plummeted off of the edge and fell to his death. I woke up weeping. That hasnt happened in a while...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 12:13:32 +0000

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