I had an incident happen today that I really want to share with - TopicsExpress


I had an incident happen today that I really want to share with everybody as I am interested in your opinions. I was offered a position from a very well known physician that works for a very prestigious practice. He found me on Linkden and asked me to please come in for an interview. The practice is located in Miami beach which is very far for me. Either way, the interview went well and I was offered the position the next day. He sent me an email confirming and I accepted because of the increase in salary. The next day I went in to work to speak with my boss and leave him my 2 week notice. To my surprise my boss asked me what they were going to pay me. When I told him he offered me the same salary with excellent benefits. Mind you, I love this job and it is close to home. He told me he did not want to lose me and really valued my work. I went home and discussed this with my family and came to the conclusion that it would be best to stay where I am. I wrote an email to the other doctor and told him how thankful I was but that my employers offer was one I could not refuse. He responded with this: Michelle, I have worked in the hiring process for over 20 years. When you accepted the offer I stopped looking. I interviewed someone else before you and they would have accepted less pay. You are unethical and I am glad to find this out now as you probably wouldnt have lasted. As you can imagine I was extremely taken back. I am a single mother and my income is all that is brought to our table. My time with my daughter is important to me and if I am going to receive the same salary as he was offering me, closer to home then I would be an idiot not to stay. You dont even want to know what I wrote back!! Your thoughts?
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 22:14:18 +0000

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