I had an tubal ligation in 2009 after conceiving twins on Femara - TopicsExpress


I had an tubal ligation in 2009 after conceiving twins on Femara after my first miscarriage in July 2008 I was placed on it to regulate my cycles and also placed on Prometrium to help prevent any further miscarriages. My daughter passed away at 32 weeks due to deep vein thrombosis. My son did survive was induced at 33 weeks the day after finding out she had passed away, my sons heart decelerated and prompted induction on April 17th 2009 and was born April 18th 2009. I made the choice to have an tubal ligation as my husband at the time was un-supportive to not only me but wasnt there for our child. He was a compulsive work-aholic drank every night when he was home from work didnt care for the child. I thought that having an tubal ligation would prevent more issues and stress to our marriage. After my ligation he filed for divorce in fact 3 months after the ligation was done. I thought this man would have been able to change and stay by my side instead didnt leaving me not able to bare an child in future. I re-married and found an supportive husband but deep down I feel like an failing wife I cant bare this mans child because I had this ligation done, I am bound to debt which leaves no money to set aside. I bash myself for it each day, each month rolls around I pray and hope for a blessing like those stories you hear about them growing back, And nothing pregnancy tests negative, sometimes false positive due to cysts. I searched for financial help and came across BlessedArrows and TheHeritageMinistry and got denied to both as I dont know much about biblical things I am a christian but had not read up on the bible to know enough about birth control to stop more pregnancies is considered Rejecting gods blessings. Secondly, there is an $75.00 fee for both applicants yourself and spouse for blessedarrows. And top off with monthly roll call monthly donations. I also came across a newly founded place called TubalReversalAngels which takes about 3 days to process applications. Theres only a $5.00 fee to keep you on the list. They donate to all the people on the waiting list so there isnt a wait. They are open for applicants right now. At this point it is my only hope, I did get approved and will be placed on the list this weekend. Ladies there is hope dont give up. We all hurt we all need support in this matter. Dont feel worthless or broken over your decision I know it is hard to come by. Everyone makes mistakes and some of them hurt. Here is my beautiful Serenity Michelle she and her brother will be turning 5 years old April 18th.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 02:10:26 +0000

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