I had been thinking of writing for many days, but every time I - TopicsExpress


I had been thinking of writing for many days, but every time I thought and sat, I had too many personal/professional things on my mind that prevented me from writing. Today was the time when I have had enough of it. Every night when I turned on my television I watched hue and cry for bringing up real democracy to the homeland. Everyone I found, stood on high pedestal and seemed to taking a principle stand, kicking over the traces, willing to offer as many sacrifices as he/they could made. For many days I listened to everyone keenly, particularly the opposition parties, especially PTI / PAT (though later is not a political entity). Every night, near 11:00 pm I found the leaders of the two parties on an elevated stage, one of them is not even a cog in the machine, lavishly delivering the lessons about democracy in a very knowledgeable way. They looked to advocate the “real democracy version” that they had. Very patiently I heard everything for many nights. I am always taken aback by the impeccability and the extreme immaculacy with which “A leader” appears to demonstrate his understanding of democracy by disseminating the novel views of not paying utility bills, not paying government taxes, not paying highway tolls, cursing the judiciary, not sparing the election commission, unleashing every sort of language for the state institutions, his colleagues, damning the parliament and the parliamentary process of which he himself is a part. In fact He is not ready to accept that democracy prevails in the country, neither the system nor any institutions. For him everything and everyone is a part of status quo, except him himself and the “Tareens and Makhdooms” who can be seen on his left right. Imran Khan’s heated arguments raise many questions in my mind that if he intentionally (and in all his senses) wants to disrupt and shake the people’s confidence in the country’s system, the state, its constitutions, its social order, its law, its governance? Is he telling us stop going to college or universities as you would never know if you will be awarded degrees on merit? Is he telling people to stop taking CSS exams as you would never know about the position you would attain? Is he telling young men and women to stop applying for jobs as you would never be recruited on merit in this country? Is he telling us not to vote as you would never know whom you voted for would win? Is he telling us who disagrees with you, is your enemy and eventually enemy to the state? Is he telling us not to go to hospitals as you would never be attended there? Is he willing to permanently dislodge the trust between the state and its citizens? Would he know about democracy only when he will be hanged to the ceiling with his head down to ground by agencies and be “thoroughly thrashed” for using abusive and insulting language about the government, as has been done with first rank workers of the other political parties in the times of dictatorships? I ask Imran and his followers, if PML-N can sit in the parliament with only a few MNAs in Musharaf’s time, and if PPP can sit in the parliament with only a few MNAs in PML-N 1997 government, even now PPP could not gain ground in parliament for its poor performance, then why cannot PTI can wait for its term to the premiership? Do you accept the system, the state institutions and the democracy only when the results would have been in your favour? And if all the new registered voters of about 30 million voted for you only and no other party could have his chunk in new voter’s lot, yet you could not win? Please do not make young men and women fool who have hardly any knowledge about politics, economics, constitution, sociology and social order, and who have started taking interest in politics a few months before elections 2013 by listening to some lofty ideas, although your credit cannot be belittled for bringing youth to the world of politics. Their education will take time. Please let the system rectify itself, democracy emerges, it always has a built-in systems of accountability and change is a slow process. In our country democracy is in an infant stage only, it has to go a long way. The line you pursue in public is a very popular sentiment but you know yourself that things change after a purging process and not by giving “Dharna” Otherwise England, whose examples never tire and fatigue you, would have plenty of examples of “Dharna” before 10-Downing Street. Please set good traditions and do not make a rod for your own back as you may gain access to power in future. How would you stop others and then how would you teach others the lesson of constitution, law and order when in power? Please do not throw baby with the bathwater. You would never achieve what you want to achieve undemocratically, to the opposite, the chess of everyone’s politics would be folded back by undemocratic forces. Please educate young men and women. Let never win the people like who you never wanted to be your peon even and who wanted an army man elected 10 times. Hammad Saeed Sheikh ACMA
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 05:42:20 +0000

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