I had been to the Valley School today for the First Sunday - TopicsExpress


I had been to the Valley School today for the First Sunday Meeting...could not make it for dialogue (the subject was dependence) due to some unavoidable conditions...but attended Krishnajis video...the voice of the film was not clear and that made me doze in later half...when I woke up, most of the people had left, and some people left behind were looking at me with such a glance of awe as if I was meditating...after the end of program ending with lunch and resting for a while while meeting our friend Vijay Ch in a surprise meet, headed down to The Study. In between, there is a path that is diverting to a small lake, which is just outside the campus to which my feet automatically diverted. On the way, there was a busy line of black ants crossing the path. I always wonder and feel amazed looking at the ants...they are always on the move, never resting, following a line and not diverting unless there is a food object...never stopping whatever hurdle may come in between and finding out the way around without slightest expression of irritation...never thinking but in action as if energized with passion. These ants sometimes talk something to the ants coming from opposite way...probably they define the shortest path to the food. The ants are disciplined without regimentation as if they understand the responsibility. Further on the path, there stands a dark, handsome, tall and wide tamarind tree that waved me as I passed by. The lake was looking totally empty from a distance with just a wet mud describing briefly a brief drizzle that might have fallen upon a few hours back with cattle grazing on scattered grass in that mud, and my feet took a U-turn on that view. On the way back, the tamarind gave me a call, and I could not resist that affectionate invitation. The skin of the tamarind was clean and glowing without any insects on it. The stem and the branches were nice round without much corners or edges. The branches had started from very lower part of the main stem and spread and with them, the tree was ready for hug, to which my feet pulled me ahead, my hands embraced the trunk, and my head tilted down on the branch. In that touch, there was extraordinary love, affection and care. I did not realize when the tamarind absorbed me in, and for some time, there was only the tamarind with its song of love. But then consciousness somehow came into action breaking that song, and I started to walk. I came across that line of ants again, but now in between, there were 2-3 ants lying dead and rest were passing around them. A couple that had walked behind me might have unknowingly stamped them. Moving away from nature into modern cities has reduced sensitivity of human being to minimal. Otherwise, it seems human has a capacity to keep feet gently on the ground while walking and nature has a capacity to keep those walking feet just away from other life. As the school classrooms merged into path leading to the Art Village, I came across the trees and bushes around...some of them were bearing blooms while some other were bearing birds. Wind was now passing through them and tickling them while moving and making them wave and dance. Every dance of each tree and every song of each bird was catching the attention initially...but then suddenly in an unknown moment, all that merged into a single ballet with orchestra of total attention. The pond in the school was dry too...with tiny areas of water and most of the mud reflecting lines of footmarks of cows and dogs. This time rain has not shown much interest in visiting this area. A little walk further up took me to the vehicle road, and then further more rise with ending steps took me to the study center. Today, it was not much populated with a lack of visitors or guests. There I met the same couple who accidentally had been a reason for the deaths of those black ants. We sat in the veranda observing the nature around and in front for a while. Husband then spoke that he started reading Krishnamurti very lately about 3 years back and had no previous spiritual or philosophical background. While following the Teachings, he went through some difficult experiences that made him felt uneasy and restless, but he could not find anybody to discuss. Once when he visited Pondicherry, he could read some of the Sri Aurobindo books, and he started understanding his experiences. He also further stated that he finds K difficult to go ahead with as he doesnt give any steps or approach while he found Aurobindo or Dada Gawand to be explaining their own realization/transformation journey in great details and so they appeal him more. So we discussed the cunningness of mind and saw how easily it slips into forming theories when provided with details...but admitting that Ks approach was simple and straight forward, he still continued to prefer Aurobindo and Dada Gawand primarily due to their detailing. At one instance, he also said that after attending few lectures of K and then going into seclusion and going through realization after few years, Dada Gawand stopped attending any K lectures, and yet he was much interested in steps to realization described by Dada. One wonders why one wants to know beforehand and reluctant to act without knowledge. Why do we depend upon experiences of others? Do we need support of others to explore our own life? Can one take the journey of others? It looks if one stands in the light of someone else, one can see partially as other side is casting shadow with darkness. To have clear vision, perception and insight, one has to be independent of all the torchbearers, burn ones own flame of passion and be light to ones journey of life...then there is total burning without any residue of shadow or smoke. :)
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 21:04:28 +0000

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