I had decided that I will not write against tv jyotishis. But - TopicsExpress


I had decided that I will not write against tv jyotishis. But today public tv has aired an absolute bullshit. They analyzed our cms towel for one hour .. 3 idiots on the channel spoke shit for one hour .. and concluded our cm will get constipation..and bad dreams ... and falling of the towel is the indication of that . Now the question is .. if anyone gets constipation .. will his/her towel will fall ? Are our gods so jobless that they keep am account of our shit ? What will these 3 idiots say if a female encounters a wardrobe malfunction.. ? Will she be constipated too ? Public tv please wake up . Dont analyze lungi falling. Shakunni shashtra for constipation ? Real shit. Can you go below this ? Dear 3 idiots on public TV .. if the future can not be changed .. as you said on TV .. and if the jobless gods are giving signals ..by kunni Shastra.. to change it .. then arent you contradicting yourselves ? Please lean kannada and then shit I mean sit on tv
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 17:42:07 +0000

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