I had no idea I would write, submit this. This is so worthy of - TopicsExpress


I had no idea I would write, submit this. This is so worthy of sharing and discovered right before my eyes this very evening. . I separated this content into pieces of a whole. And .....I discovered to my delight that this excerpt came from my own writing and research and a chapter in the beloved...’Nile and Sphinx,’ manuscript, chapter III, ‘Spreading’.... It proves to me that ‘you’ve already done what you had to do and you already know what you had to know’ to do it. How precise the spreading of the culture of that people throughout and into the western hemisphere... and I myself had traveled with the caravan and been a part of the convulsive story of a people. Here is an excerpt from ‘Spreading’ chpt.3, N&S . . while hidden, the addition to his name of “Re” revealed the god to humanity. Re was the common Egyptian term for the sun, thus making him visible. Hence, Amun-Re combined within himself the two opposites of divinity, the hidden and the revealed. As Amun, he was secret, hidden and mysterious, but as Re, he was visible and revealed. In some respects, this even relates to his association with Maat the Egyptian concept of order and balance, and reflects back upon the ancient Egyptian’s concepts of duality. (Wikipedia, 2010 under Amun) Explorer James Bruce, who visited the Ethiopia highlands c. 1770, wrote of a tradition among the Abyssinians, which they say they have had since time immemorial, that in the days after the Deluge, Cush, the son of Ham traveled with his family up the Nile until they reached the Atbara plain, then still uninhabited, from where they could see the Ethiopian table-land. There they ascended and built Axum , and sometime later returned to the lowland, building Merpe. He also states that European scholars of his own day had summarily rejected this account on grounds of their established theory, that Cush must have arrived in Africa via Arabia and the Bab el Mandab. Further, the great obelisk of Axum was said to have been erected by Cush in order to mark his allotted territory, and his son Ityopp’is was said to have been buried there, according to the Book of Aksum which Bruce asserts was revered throughout Abyssinia equally with the Kebre Negest. .The wife of Moses was a Cushite, according to the Book of Numbers 12:1. Exagoge 60-65 by Ezekiel the Tragedian (fragments reproduced in Eusebius) has Zipporah describe herself to Moses as a stranger in the land of Midian, and proceeds to describe the inhabitants of her ancestral lands in Africa: Stranger, this land is called Libya {an ancient name for the African continent}. It is inhabited by varied ethnic, linguistic groups, peoples, Ethiopians, dark men. One man is the ruler of the land: he is both king and general. He rules the state, judges the people, and is priest. This man is my father {Jethro} and theirs.” Scholars like Johann Michaelis and Rosenmuller have proposed that the name Cush was applied to tracts of country on both sides of the Red Sea in Arabia (Yemen)) and in Africa. In the 5th century AD, the Hinyaerites in the south of Arabia were styled by Syrian writers as shaeans and Ethiopians. There is more to this. By copying the insertions on the subject recorded in online encyclopedia, specific words and places, the method of burying essential facts about the origin of western civilization reveals itself. ^In the eleventh century BC internal disputes in Egypt caused colonial rule to collapse and an independent kingdom arose based at Napata in Nubia. This kingdom was ruled by locals who overthrew the colonial regime. This information about the early history of the Sudan, (Wikipedia, 2006) points out that the original Kushites and Nubian inhabitants of the land influenced or were influenced by ancient Egypt or both. In fact, the ancient civilization called Kemet emerges as a geographic location for Kush and Nubia, presently northern Sudan, Ethiopia and Eritrea. Those who squabble secretly over the natural resources of the Sudan, camouflage their intentions by imposing a conflict between Islam and Christianity, neither of which could claim a cultural emphasis over the ancient systems of religion. Encyclopedias, chronicles and reports note that the people to arrive at the western coasts recorded their sojourn from a distant site and noted it in oral records. Later periods brought a series of incursions from nomadic groups, especially mixed race populations converted to Islam, who moved across the north into the western coasts of the continent. This pattern of spreading increased desert trade in gold and precious stones. Primary in the barter, merchants traded leather goods and other items for salt to use as a preservative for meat. From about 1000 BC to 900 BC, radiocarbon records indicate agricultural activity from the Sahara across the continent into the interior to the West coast. A sequence of settlements took place from about 1100 BC to 300 BC in the Sahara. Data shows that for about three hundred years, all along that extended route, these settlements stabilized. It was determined that these nomadic populations poured out of the northern areas to seek refuge in the lower southern regions. A fusion of peaceful resettlement met with fleeing populations merging with sedentary communities to form diverse cultural enclaves. Circumstances of Disruptions About 600 BC to 300 BC nomadic invasions from the north disrupted political, economic conditions in the settled communities. By the end of the eleventh century, complicated networks of caravan routes extended inward where commercial, religious and cultural contacts were established between the Mediterranean world and the Sudan. These activities led to the rise of Sudanic states from ancient Nubia and Kush (Ethiopia and Somalia), inland where the societies practiced customary rites nearly identical to those of the kingships of the western Sudan. (extended from Kemet, ancient Egypt) From the Assyrian defeat of Egypt in 525 BC through the Persian conquest, the Greek and Roman conquests and the resulting rise of Phoenicia, Portugal and Spain, the continent suffered assaults from marauding invaders. Vast territories that once thrived on the crest of the land were immobilized and reduced to subsistent economies. Oral traditions reveal that advanced, wealthy and healthy nations existed in the Western Sahara region long before Islamic invasions. For example, records show that by the time Islam moved in from the North, ancient Ghana had known 400 kings. The continent’s populations moved southwards, westward and eastward from a fertile crescent along the Sudanic Nile. Helpless against throngs of its invaders, pharaonic Egypt slowly died. At this point, Phoenicia’s origin and upward development be included here. The encyclopedia input provides factual information, not altered or adjusted to fit a social economic or political trend. Note Wikipedia, 2009: Phoenician was a language originally spoken in the coastal region then called Pūt in Ancient Egyptian, Canaan in Phoenician, Hebrew and Aramaic, and Phoenicia in Greek and Latin Phoenician is a Semitic language of the Canaanite subgroup; its closest living relative is Hebrew .The area where Phoenician was spoken includes modern-day Lebanon, coastal Syria, northern Israel and Malta. Phoenician is known only from inscriptions such as Ahiram’s coffin, Kilamuwa ‘s tomb, Yehawmilk’s in Byblos, and occasional glosses in books written in other languages; Roman authors such as Sallust allude to some books written in Punic, but none have survived except occasionally in translation (e.g., Magos treatise) or in snippets (e.g., in Plaudits’ plays). The Cippi of Melgart, discovered in Malta in 1694, were inscribed in two languages, Ancient Greek and Carthaginian. This made it possible for French scholar Abbe Barthlemy to decipher and reconstruct the Carthaginian alphabet. Significantly divergent later-form of the language that was spoken in the Tyrian Phoenician colony of Carthage is known as Punic; it remained in use there for considerably longer than Phoenician did in Phoenicia itself, arguably surviving into Augustine’s time. It may have even survived the Arabic conquest of North Africa, the geographer al-Bakri describes a people speaking a language that was not Berber Latin or Coptic in the city of Sirt in northern Libya, a region where spoken Punic survived well past written use.. However it is likely that Arabization of the Punics was facilitated by their language belonging to the same group (the Semitic languages group) as that of the conquerors, and thus having many grammatical and lexical similarities. The earliest known inscriptions in Phoenician come from Byblos and date back to ca. 1000 BCE. Phoenician and Punic inscriptions are found in Lebanon, Syria,Israel,Cyprus,Sardinia, Malta, Sicily, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and other locations such as the Iberian Peninsula’s late as the early centuries of the Christian Era. . . . Today, it is possible to study Phoenician at most universities in the US and Canada that teach Semitic Philology; in particular, those that have a Department of Near Eastern Studies, such as Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, Johns Hopkins U at Berkeley, UCLA, the University of Michigan, the Catholic University of America, Chicago and the University of Toronto. . . . There will be bare places by the Nile, on the brink of the Nile, and all that is sown by the Nile will dry up, be driven away, and be no more. (Isaiah 19: 5-7) According to a source, no truer picture could possibly convey Egypt in its declining moments: Greek and Roman governors presided over the country during this time as Western (Greco Roman) civilization was formed from Egypt’ s ashes. The Greeks did not understand Nile valley culture, nor did the Romans understand the ancient culture of the original Nile valley residents. That unique culture was spread into the interior to the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai, the Dogon, the Nok and Yoruba and Igbo cultures. All reinstated in the lower continent, misinterpreted in origin, buried in complex Euro theories negating the continuity of culture from the Nile. A source reported: . . . the Greeks became very familiar with the externals of Egyptian civilization, but they neverlearned to read its curious writing sufficiently well to understand its surviving records, or to learn the truth as to its ancient history. .Thus the real character of the Egyptian and his civilization was never correctly understood by the Greeks, and their writings regarding the Nile country . . . have transmitted to us a false impression as to the value especially of its intellectual achievement (J. Breasted A History of . . . 578 –79) Phoenicia World Book encyclopedia credited Phoenicia with creating the western alphabet, navigational expertise and achievements as explorers. It stated: Phoenicia formed from those who sought an identity outside of a sedentary Community. World Book encyclopedia introduced (under Bible) a history dating back to the Phoenician city of Byblos where papyrus (a dried water plant that the Egyptians used for writing) was manufactured. In addition to World Book’s, definition of papyrus, Universal Standard Encyclopedia revealed that the territory, Phoenicia dated back to Old Testament when the land was called Sidon. The people of Sidon were related to the Canaanites who lived in ancient Palestine (Iran) and shared a history with Egypt. Part of the location identified with Phoenicia and its origins is the land of Punt, now Sudan. Information supporting Egypt’s primacy in civilization can be found in numerous texts. The history of nations revealed that communities evolved to form new communities, societies and nations. Nations evolved to form new nations. Spain’s recorded history dates from 1100 B.C. when Phoenicians began to establish colonies in the area. By this process, Spain evolved from Phoenicia. (Universal Standard Encyclopedia under Phoenicia) The nation formed from contact with Phoenicia and Spain became the great sea navigator and transporter of captive peoples across the Atlantic to the ‘new world” Portugal Contact with what was ancient Nile civilizations, Egypt, (Kemet), Punt, Nubia, Kush, societies of notably negroid populations mingled with people of other ethnic origins resulted in communities of what OT referred to as ‘ mingled people’. . . . Ethiopia and Libya and Lydia, (Jeremiah 30:5) In that process Spain evolved from contact with Phoenicians, known for populations of mingled people. Portugal’s mingled people spread from relationships with Spain. Universal Standard encyclopedia vol. 21 1953, 7927: ^ Until the Middle Ages, Spain and Portugal shared the same history. (Ibid. Southwestern Spain was culturally akin to prehistoric Africa. (Ibid.) A description in World Book vol. 16 1963, 563-64) began a recorded history of the territory that became Spain from about 1100 B.C. to 480 BC. This description connected the process of spreading to areas later called ‘Africa’. Land of the Pharaohs When the original residents of the Nile valley civilizations spread out, populations migrated to areas adjacent and below what was called Egypt. Those who settled in ‘Egypt’ belonged to mingled, racially mixed groups, the offspring of more than one genetic type. The strong Negroid component produced indistinguishable racial types. By the time the majority inhabitants of negroid racial stock had spread inland on the continent, scattered or been dispersed abroad to lands they knew not, those who settled on the shrunken area called ‘Egypt’ comprised an influx of Caucasoid and racially mixed inhabitants, who did not or could not claim ancestry from the original (negroid) peoples. (I will scatter and disperse them OT prophecy) The decline and fall of negroid Egypt is evidenced in many looted tombs and fragmented sculptures ; Peoples of n Germanic tribes, Goths and Visigoths empire invaded north Africa and in time forced an imprint that obliterated the original Nile valley occupants. Greece and Rome claimed cultural motifs, art forms, etc. of the original Egyptians, as well as religious, governmental, administration and institutions . In time, negroid and admixture nomadic communities formed and migrated throughout the regions identified by anthropologists as hunter gatherer communities. Military forces became Caucasoid and admixture groups as the ‘negroid’ societies were captured and subdued, studied and displayed before the world, in time ‘civilizing missions’ traveled to the interior of the continent to spread religion and culture to indigenous peoples. The mingled gained a number of identities. World Book Encyclopedia explained: ... in ancient history, the Romans called the people of southwestern Africa, Mauri, and the region Mauretania. These people belonged to a larger group, the Berber. (see Berber) (Ibid. 200)Directed to ‘see Berber’ and having done so, it should be noted, the following World Book encyclopedia under Berber) ... is a name of a people living along the western part of the Mediterranean coast of Africa and in the Sahara desert. (200) According to this definition: Berbers’ complexions vary from light to the darker skinned of Morocco. They are described as a Semitic people, similar to Arabs in language and religion.(Ibid. 220-21) Note that World Book encyclopedia describes Moors as those belonging to a wider group of Berbers. It furthers describes Berbers as ‘those whose complexions vary from light to the darker skinned of Morocco’. This contends that Berbers are a racially mixed people. Moors, Berbers and Tauregs belonged to bordering,, desert, nomadic groups included, all who may have been described as Arabs. It should be concluded that populations of admixture peoples began to form societies on the fringes of settled and centralized states, such as ‘Egypt, (Kemet) Arabia, (which can no longer be found under that name, only Arabian Peninsula or Saudi Arabia) can be found in Wikipedia, online encyclopedia. Saudi Arabia has significant evidence of Negroid original populations. Admixture groups of nomadic societies circulated about the borders of settled areas on the continent later named ‘Africa’. This population evolved into nations of Persians, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Portuguese, and Spanish. Some of those splinter and fringe groups included Berbers, Arabs (broad description)and most ancient nomadic peoples, including ‘Hebrews’, later called Jews. All of these groups could trace their earliest identities to the fringes of ancient Nile civilization into and throughout Italy and the Peninsulas of the Mediterranean and Red Seas. Mixed race classification characterized groups known as Moors, Berbers Arabs, Jews, Portuguese, and Spanish, among others. World Book encyclopedia under Moors, stated the connection between the Moors of Shakespeare’s Othello: A common but incorrect belief that Moors were Negroes was spread by William Shakespeare’s play, Othello. Moors belong to the Mediterranean group of the Caucasoid race. (Ibid.) Another source described the Moors and Berbers and others in much more specific terms: The original Moors, like the original Egyptians were black Africans. As amalgamation became more and more widespread, only the Berbers, Arabs and coloreds of these territories were called Moors. (C. Williams, The Destruction... 221) Cyprus Confusion prevails in the description of splinter societies that sprang up in the aftermath of Egypt’s dominance. Universal Standard Encyclopedia 195, under Cyprus: The theory formerly held that the ancient inhabitants of the island were Semitic Phoenicians is being abandoned because the civilization of the latter may well have derived from Cyprus, or vice versa. Some authorities regard the indigenous civilization of Cyprus as belonging with the prehistoric Egyptians, to the Afro-Mediterranean or Afro-European culture center, and originators physically to the north African white race. (Ibid). The area now known as Cyprus appeared in history about 1500 BC when one of the Eighteenth dynasty Egyptian pharaohs, Thutmoses III, captured the land and subjected its inhabitants to Egyptian rule. Prior to Thutmoses’ conquest, the inhabitants of that area belonged to a ‘Semitic (mixed) race. Note, this reads ‘ In time Egypt fell to Assyria and many of its (Egypt’s) residents were taken into captivity I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among the countries. (Ezekiel 29:12) Philip Curtin devoted a lengthy discussion to the ‘Mediterranean bordering what were ancient Egypt, the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Wikipedia describes the Mediterranean sea: The Mediterranean Sea is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean completely enclosed by land on the north byEurope, on the south by Africa, and on the east by Asia....* I stopped here because of length...chapter completes with summary info about Spreading of this culture. Have great day! ........... Peace..... Love.... The Best... I do.....
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 11:14:10 +0000

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