I had one of my teens come to me last wednesday at Ambassadors - TopicsExpress


I had one of my teens come to me last wednesday at Ambassadors kids group and tell me even though she had accepted Jesus, been baptized, she has never felt the Holy Spirit and is not even sure he is real now. This week I have been in prayer for her and guidance for me for the right words from Our Heavenly Father. I had prepared for Sunday School with a passage but, still was not sure was exactly what is needed. I was getting ready for church at 7 this morning...sitting in the tub fretting about it and I get this nudge....go buy a gallon of milk...take it to these apartments....of people I do not know, in a slightly scarey place to be, and tell them God loves them, He hears their prayers and he is sending more food via our church today. Satan comes against you real quick , sending fear about where I was going, the time of day, what will they think of Me....So off I went to Mobil got a gallon of milk and sat in front of these apartments....gathering courage, telling myself if God sent you Pam....the road has been blessed ...do what God has asked you to do. So I knocked on the door....a lady came to door hesitant opening but did. I started shaking from head to toe and crying saying I know you dont know me but, God sent me here with a gallon of milk and a message that someone in this house has been praying, he hears them, he loves them and he will bring them food from our church after church today... she said she had been praying and they need it and thanked me through tears. As I left there I knew that this wasnt just for them it was for the young lady who had been doubting God in my class. Sharing my testimony at church today this young lady rededicated her life again...cried and felt the Holy Spirit. Her and her brother went with me after church to deliver the food to the apartment God had sent me this morning. The gentleman of the house opened the door and wanted to know the message from God twice....he had said he had been praying the day before while picking up cans on side of road to know if God is real and for help. We all talked about how good God is, that he is real, and I know the message was for the Gentlemen of the apartment....I watched him change before my eyes in amazement....so joyous....so in awww as we all were....who knew one Gallon of milk could change so many lives....through sharing my story today, through the people in the apartment sharing their story today, to anyone who hears and shares it....God is good, God is alive and working ,,,,He does love us....He loves us all...Jesus dies for us....and God does not want any of us to perish....Praise God! I have been so blessed today I can not hardly contain my feelings. Thank you for loving me Father, for using me, for the joy you bring into my life!!!! Amen
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:08:36 +0000

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