I had one of those wonderfully frustrating phone calls today with - TopicsExpress


I had one of those wonderfully frustrating phone calls today with telstra technical support. Im being guided through a process I dont really understand by someone with a very strong accent who I couldnt understand very well. Im sure you know those calls. I was finding it quite a challenge to keep up with instructions and at one point needing some clarification about something I had been guided to do,when I paused to ask my telstra telephonist who had been getting more and more irate, she began to shout at me!!! Whilst I have faced many challenges with past phone calls to telstra I have never been shouted at and I had to speak very loudly to get this woman to STOP SHOUTING at me! There was a moment I felt quite angry...how dare this person ..blah blah blah..but when I dropped into that feeling I found myself somewhere I knew I would never like to be and I could only feel grateful that my life offered me more options. As soon as Id raised my voice I felt this woman drop into trying to please, to make amends and quite possibly hang onto her job. I felt her overwhelming responsibility to provide for not just her own family but other family members.I felt the burden she carried. I knew she was exhausted and wanted to cry and scream at events that were occurring in her life but instead she had to smile and try and mask her true feelings beneath a veneer of helpfulness. I was so glad I had let my own feelings be felt and allowed them to ultimately blossom into something much more positive. I didnt complain about this woman and Im not perfect, there have been many times I have not been the best I could be, but maybe today was a shift in how I deal with these situations as well as an awareness of all the influences we often fail to see. All today I have held this woman in love.I feel grateful that I dont have to struggle to survive,that I am blessed with the freedom to be,that Im not going to loose my job if I loose it and that I dont have to pretend to be anything other than I am...well most of the time We are certainly in a time especially with our dear mercury retrograde where what is NOT expressed and acknowledged will raise to the surface to be heard and if its still suppressed,like this womens it will explode and I know there will be many that will relate to her pain and I know there will be many that are struggling through life in the same way she is. Whatever is coming up,be gentle with yourself. If you feel you need to express it but its gonna come out in a rage if you do ,WRITE!!! Fill a notepad,write everything you want to say and keep writing until your words run dry. Get out every word of hate and grief and when your done, burn it in a ritual of release and if you need to do it again,do it! Its time to let go of your pain. I,like so many of you have walked a hard path,I know this pain too,I know what it feels like to give up,to not even want to live,but I came through it and you can too but all you need do is to LET GO! EVEN IF IT FEELS HARD.......... BE WILLING and then ask spirit to show you how Shinning a bright light for all those still struggling to find their way in the dark With love,Kye
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:24:57 +0000

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