I had sent this in to your public relations email at - TopicsExpress


I had sent this in to your public relations email at ivy@jeanyipgroup but had not received any response for more than a week, so Im trying to reach you here: Hi. I completed a hairdressing session at jean yip bugis junction a week ago, and wish to share with you my experience. I was served by ken at the counter,where I provided my membership number and told him i signed up at tampines mall. He responded with an exasperated laughter, and impatience. My friend seeing this offered a word of apology to which he ignored. Following, i requested for a male hairdresser and they communicated loudly across the salon in a mildly sinister tone, as if i had made another exasperating request. Is there really a need to inform everyone, including the customers, of this requirement? They could have just checked within themselves? Anyway, I had to settle for a lady hair dresser seeing the commotion, and was served by a lady named Jean(spelling?). I could not get her name properly as she was very defensive after the session, asking Why? multiple times with a fierce look. Throughout the session, she criticized the condition of my hair, its oiliness, its length, its coarse decrepit state. I wonder how I could have responded besides laughing it off. Perhaps she was trying to sell me the hair treatment, but i ended up too conscious and embarrassed. When I queried if one side of my hair should be shorter, she replied in utter impatience and rudeness Its up to yooooooou!, hands gesture and all. I stopped trying to be friendly after that. When asking me to sign for the session, Ken was again less than professional, as if asking a staff to sign out for something he had forgotten, which i had not as I was waiting there - this was not my first visit, but was definitely one of my worst. My short stay there left me with a feeling it was akin to a den of hooligans, although the two unpleasant ones were Ken and Jean. The young lady who washed and styled my hair was the only saving grace of the salon I encountered. This is the last session of my package, and nobody offered to ask me if I would like to extend (I have extended 3 times before). My friends haircut was also bad, with uneven snips throughout her hair. I realised this after leaving the place in a hurry, feeling bad taste. So, does anyone watch what is going on in the branches? This seems an obvious breach of professional and service standard.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:27:56 +0000

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