I had the honor of being this years Dedication Speaker for our - TopicsExpress


I had the honor of being this years Dedication Speaker for our 2014 Graduation Ceremony (a brief 2 min. speech to kick-off the ceremony). In case you are interested here it is: 2014 Graduation Dedication Speech by Lonnie Samora Good evening graduates, families, and staff. I would like to thank you for the honor of being this year’s dedication speaker. The inspiration for my comments tonight came from your class motto, the quote from Douglas Adams - I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. – Mr. Adams, I beg to differ! Having studied successful individuals and organizations I can say with absolute certainty that none of them found success, fulfillment, or happiness by accident! Students who had very challenging academic schedules, worked part-time jobs, and were active in extracurricular activities such as athletics, band, drama, or DECA have always impressed me. Balancing such challenging schedules while maintaining a high GPA didn’t happen by accident! For 26 years I have been challenged and inspired by the excellence of my colleagues. They brought out the very best in me as a teacher and in you as students and athletes! These unsung heroes, who will have such a lasting impact upon your lives, did not become great teachers and coaches by accident! During my 23 years at Horizon, I have been impressed by how well Pam Smiley, our Principal, as well as her predecessors handled the difficulties and challenges of leading Horizon High School. They have consistently inspired the staff and students to challenge ourselves, embrace opportunity, and excel in all that we do! Horizon’s legacy of leadership excellence isn’t an accident! I prefer the wisdom of Seneca who said: If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind. Graduates: Do not leave your fate to chance! The successful achievement each of you has attained tonight will soon be past, and the winds of an uncertain future will embrace you. You and ONLY YOU will determine whether success or failure will characterize your future. Neither success nor failure is accidental. Success in ANY endeavor always involves deliberate effort. Whatever success in life looks like for you, I believe it will take vision, focus, and determination to get there. Jim Rohn, a successful entrepreneur who experienced failure early in his life said it best: “We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.” Graduates: I encourage all of you to embrace the pain of discipline; the rewards are so much greater! Perhaps Mr. Adams should have said, “I may not have been able to control my circumstances, but I have ended up where I determined to be.” I wish all of you future success and happiness. Thank you.
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 15:35:26 +0000

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