I had the honor of sitting with Bishop Ben for a couple hours this - TopicsExpress


I had the honor of sitting with Bishop Ben for a couple hours this evening. I have to say, Ive never felt more tempted to do a funny dance and wave my arms around, singing or shouting, wishing it could wake our papa up. Even if he forever thought I was crazy, it would be worth it. Because anyway, a situation like this CAN make you crazy if you dont make a constant and conscious effort to stay encouraged and focused. Today I decided one of the ways I would encourage myself is by reading Bishop Bens visitors book and all the lovely messages of hope people have written inside. Many called him a warrior, and it was good to be reminded that he indeed is because the situation can try to make you forget. My personal favorite though was what Size 8 wrote - We are waiting to dance with you. How perfect and how true. How amazing would it be if while I did my crazy dance, he woke up and joined me!? If God can raise the dead, cant He raise someone who is alive!? Yes He can. And that is also a good thing to remember. Bishop is alive and all hope is not lost. I grow weary of telling you day after day that theres nothing new, Bishops condition is just the same, and sadly thats the news I have for you today. But today a loved one of Bishop reminded me that even youth grow tired and weary but we must daily mount up with wings like eagles, and that comes by waiting on the Lord. It sounds torturous when the doctors just keep saying We just have to wait and see what happens, unless we realize that to Gods people what hes really saying is We just have to put on our eagles wings and soar.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 17:04:51 +0000

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