I had the most interesting, beaaaautiful dream last night - TopicsExpress


I had the most interesting, beaaaautiful dream last night ❤️✨ any dream interpreters would like to give it ago? Its pretty strange! Lol The first part of my dream, myself and a friend were at a party, in the woods.. I can remember the sounds of electronic music.. And feeling at home. - Myself and another was trapped inside a trampoline and its net, against a tiger. The trampoline net, was breakable, but as Long as you didnt leave, you was safe. I knew I had to escape this tiger, and get somewhere. I couldnt stay trapped. However, I was finding it difficult, I had fear servicing. I was trying to ask the other individual who was also trapped against this tiger to trick it so I could run through and release us. The tiger was waiting for me. Everyone else in the area, was gone. I managed to get through and get where I needed to be. I then, took my daughter, to a massive play area. It was outside, in nature though. We was climbing up a rock wall, and the wall was super high! Everytime Aayla, saw an owl shed point.. It was almost if she had to find everyone. Aayla saw the owls before I did, and she pointed them out to me.. Giggling ☺️ She had a connection with them, there were owls which were encarved as stones in the ground and also owls which were alive and free! At different levels of the rock wall, there was different stops with scenerys of my memorys. And places from my memory, with a significant meaning to me. Aaylas was finding these owls in all the different stops of my memorys, giggling and laughing. Wanting me to also see the beauty in what she was seeing. We finally got the top and we tried to climb back down. I was petrified she would slip, Aayla was trying ,putting one foot over the edge, but her legs couldnt reach the rock holes, it didnt feel safe to me, so I put Aayla on my lap and we went down on a slide. This slide, wasnt a normal slide.. It started way up high & was a blue.. Long, big and wide slide.. Which many people could also fit down! It was like a water slide, however no water.. But you slid just as fast! Behind me, waiting to get on the slide, to remain get back to land safety and securely was another, a male. He was English, but not from England. He lived abroad, in America or somewhere like that. We met, and got on really well. We spoke everyday, Eventually he arranged to come over and visit, again! We had such a connection. I was sat on my bed reading, when a bird flew in from the window.. But it wasnt a normal bird. It was indescribable! A magnificent being! It had beautiful, Intriguing blue eyes.. Bright blue. I can remember, being able to see into the depths of the beings soul. Pure beauty. It perched itself on my bed, opposite me.. Just observing. Looking like it knew me, but still slightly reserved. This bird was gazing into my eyes.. Full of the universe. The bird was also big, not the small type. It was over whelming. It came especially for me. It put its wing towards me, at the end of the birds wing, it had a few human like fingers .. The bird puts its hand up, with its middle finger where the energy was released, I also touch the birds hand with my hand. It wanted me to meet it half way. At the moment I realised how powerful and beautiful this magnificent being was. It was allowing me to have and share its power, and transfer energy to me, giving me enlightenment and knowledge. I felt my whole body, every inch of my cells consumed with the energy. I felt like an ever changing explosion .. It was like a collision of two universes colliding together, and creating something wonderful.. Only essence of divine. I stopped, and pulled away. I wasnt ready, and I become scared. The lack of trust within myself, pulled myself back.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 13:57:11 +0000

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