I had the unfortunate opportunity to meet this lowlife, degenerate - TopicsExpress


I had the unfortunate opportunity to meet this lowlife, degenerate scumbag personally 46 years ago, here is an excerpt from my book Father Figures> Three conspicuously large men dressed in overcoats walk in the front door the hair on the back of Mario’s neck stood up and he immediately called his brother on the intercom, “Sal, get ready to call the police, looks like we are gonna be hit.” Mario was the only white person in the front of the store. The three black men looked around then walked menacingly toward him as Mario stepped closer to the desk by the office. One of the tall men stepped forward and introduced himself as “The Reverend Jesse Jackson, Director of Operation Breadbasket and Chairman of the Rainbow Coalition.” Mario released his breath and rested a little easier. He figured it was just one of the numerous dime store ministers come to put the touch on them for a donation. They had earned a reputation in the neighborhood as an easy touch for the local congregations and never turned away someone in need. The religious leaders knew they could always count on a few bucks and donations of food from the Rizzo brothers, even the hustlers and panhandlers knew that they couldn’t get money, but there was always a sandwich and a hot bowl of soup for the asking. Mario didn’t want to sound too discouraging but he expressed his feelings honestly, “I am sorry Reverend but the expense of cleaning up after the riots put the business in a temporary financial pinch. A cash donation at this time is impossible; maybe if you come back in a month or so we can do something for you. In the mean time we should be able to come up with a few cases of canned goods.” “I don’t think you understand, I’m not here for loose change or a hand out, I am here to help you become more involved in the building of this community that you have been taking your living from for so long.” “Your right I don’t understand, what are you talking about?” “I am the Reverenced Jesse Jackson; maybe you have seen me on TV? I was standing at the side of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in Memphis when he was so egregiously and heinously assassinated by a white man.” “That was a shame. From what I could see, Rev. King was a man of character and principle that you could respect. So what can I do for you?” “First let me ask you just how long have you been extracting your income from the black community?” “We’ve been in business on the west side all total for about eighteen years now.” “And you have done very well for yourself now, haven’t you?” “We work hard and have earned every penny.” “Irregardless, it is about time you start giving back to the community. Let me introduce you to your new produce manager and your new meat manager. This is Leroy Washington and you are going to pay him a salary of $20,000 a year. “This is Marvin Green and you are going to pay him a salary of $22,000 a year. And both of these gentlemen will have liberal vacations starting now. However, they will be in to collect their paychecks every Friday.” “What!” “Let me explain this more succinctly.” “No, I don’t need you to explain, I just don’t believe what I am hearing.” “You had better believe it. This is your new reality.” “Just who do you think you are, Al Capone?” “I told you who I am, now why don’t you get some blank W-4 forms for my men to fill out.” “I don’t care who you are, you are out of you mind if you think I am going to pay these guys over forty grand a year for nothing. What you are doing is called extortion, it is illegal.” “What I am doing is long overdue community justice. Collecting on a debt owed to us by the white man for centuries of slavery and oppression.” “Go dig up those slave-owner graves and pick the pockets of those who are guilty, cause our parents came from Italy, we don’t owe you a dime.” “Here again, I don’t think you understand. This matter is not up for negotiation. You don’t have any choice in the matter. You will capitulate or we will organize a community boycott and place pickets in front of your store every day.” “You have an awful high opinion of yourself for a low life degenerate thug.” “Name calling is so unnecessary, is there some place quiet we can talk with a little more privacy? I am sure we will come to an amenable accommodation.” The only place here that is quiet is the stock room in the back but it is dark and damp.” “That’s fine, let’s go.” The three men picked up their coats and Mario leaned over to open the desk, picked up a .38 caliber revolver and stuck it in his waistband. Jesse stopped, “What do you have the gun for?” “Well you don’t think I am going into a dark room with you three gorillas alone do you? This makes things even, now we can negotiate!” “Oh no, you can’t do that, put it away.” Just then, Sal appeared with a bloody meat cleaver conspicuously in his hand, “Any problem?” “No! They were just leaving.” “You’ll regret this, we are gonna boycott! We’re gonna picket! We’re gonna drive you outta business!” “Go ahead, try.” The Reverend and his henchmen made a hasty retreat.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 16:16:48 +0000

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