I had the worst dream ever last night, it was kind of a nightmare - TopicsExpress


I had the worst dream ever last night, it was kind of a nightmare but a dream at the same time. I was back in a public school and my classmates and I were just sitting in history class when we hear gunshots and people screaming, and we all start running when we see the gunman, and its one of the guys that goes to our school and hes wearing a black trench coat and he shoots both of my friends and crouches down beside me and asks if I want to be shot next and I say no, and he says if you dont want to die, then youll help me shoot the rest of the school, got it? I say okay and he hands me a gun, and we sit in a classroom and wait for people to walk in and he tells me to shoot every person that walks in, and hes yelling Good aim! and I get into it and ask if we can go down the hallways, and he says yeah, and we walk down and theres bodies and blood everywhere and we shoot the rest of the students and teachers before walking out and running down the highway, and then we shoot each other before the cops get to us.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 19:18:23 +0000

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