I had this Experience, I went visiting some of my kids, - TopicsExpress


I had this Experience, I went visiting some of my kids, they where three of them in the home, so as i was about leaving i gave them some money to get biscuits, i gave the youngest a 50 naira note and the older one two twenty naira notes each, as i stood to leave the youngest cried out, Miss divine, you gave me one money and you them two two! Hahaha, it was funny. i explained, but she insisted on getting her two money after i couldnt convince her i had to exchange her 50 naira note with the eldests two twenty naira note. First, its important to note that kids have no eye for quality and worth, in their world what matter are the Quantity and Fanciness. If you get 1 costly clothing for John and get johnson 4 cheap materials, ah! JOHN wants JOHNSONS. 2. You know, actually kids as in children dont understand what true worth is. They dont see the difference between what you call big(important) need and small (apparentl y frivolous) need; seemingly, what you tag Primary is Secondary to them and your Secondary is Primary to them. LET ME SHOW YOU- Your childs school fees is not yet paid and he/she hasnt enough clothes either, call the attention of that child, explain nothing to the 7year old, just say sweetheart that beautiful cloth we saw forget it, we will use that money Uncle gave you to pay up your fees. watch the childs reaction. He/she will not like the idea except u explain, even when you do He/she is hesitant! You get this from the one youve taught Politeness but mum uncle said the money is for that beautiful cloth. Parents dont like This, but its your kids nature. If dad pays school fees and house rent and gives Mum money to cook food, they dont truely understand how much dads spending on all that; its secondary to them. If mum goes to market and spends thousands on getting foodstuffs they dont understand, surprisingly theyl come asking, Mum! What did you get for Us? And you are wondering, these kids, aint they seeing all this foodstuff i got for them. The truth is, its secondary what you think is necessary. The Aunt who buys Biscuits say snacks, get toys and take them out for amusement is not FORGETTABLE!!! even when they grow up, their Childhood is remembered as funfilled and worthwhile not because you sheltered them, paid their fees, feed them, but morely because you met up in the FRIVOLITY aspect. Do justice to Both Arms! MISS DIVINE.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:34:03 +0000

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