I had to cancel a trip to D.C...I would have been landing about - TopicsExpress


I had to cancel a trip to D.C...I would have been landing about now. So, yes I did take a financial hit for a portion of the trip. At this point I place blame on all of Congress. The idea that they want to negotiate now is ridiculous. This should have been going on for the last two years. The bill is law so like any program it has positive and negative aspects. However, the reality is that it should be fixed not thrown out. We are ranked 37th as a nation in Healthcare. That is abysmal for a developed nation with so much to offer. The idea that we had to shut down portions of the government because of a small special interest group is truly sad. So I challenge all members of Congress to return their salaries at a rate of 2 to 1. That is for each day the government is shut down two days of salary should be returned. If they do not want to return the pay then they should give it to charity. If this is done they should show that the funds were paid and received. It is time that congress feels the pain other than the pain of not being reelected. So the question is can they put their money where their mouth is. I also challenge them to stop all fund raising during this shutdown. I know this is idealistic. However, maybe just maybe we can find if these are men of honor beyond power.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 19:08:16 +0000

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