I had to dreams that really got to me. Sorry FaceBook. Weird - TopicsExpress


I had to dreams that really got to me. Sorry FaceBook. Weird status post. xD The first one struck me in depression. It announces that my mother will be single in the future. She didnt spoke. My siblings and I were in this prison-like building looking up to our uncle. I couldnt tell he were angry or anything with the straight face he had. But I remember an Orlando with me. Who is he? lol My second dream started out about confidence. Someone told us to give our opinions about taking a step up, speaking out, and having confidence. No one else spoke up, so I gave them my thoughts. I told them confidence is influenced by the crowd and community. A person will normally follow a crowd until he or she learns how to step up and have a voice. I said more, but I dont remember. After that, I saw these kids behind a fenced backyard. We were playing with a ball and purposely threw it over to have them interact with us. For some reason I told them, I know who you are and who your best friend will be when you get older. Then later talked with Matthew about a location. I told it it took thousands of years to discover the place we were standing at. At one point people didnt have enough courage and curiosity to explore and expand.. Then while walking towards this person, we chatted. I cant mention the real name. Our convo: Me: *felt heartbeats* Hey? Her: mm Hey,great speech on confidence. Me: yeah, thanks! *looks down* this isnt right. I think youre next to return? Her: Yeh, I know.. Me: *looks around* We never met in real life. Her: I know. Me: *talked about who she was* Mm.. Hey, Ill message you when I get back, when I wake up! Okay? Her: *smiles* okay. Me: I just want to be friends.. >> Her: *nod* *smiles* I know I am supposed to message you when I wake up. If you like this status. Ill know this dream meant something. If you never do, then I know my dream was just random. But, for a moment it felt I wasnt in the real world. Was I in Heaven for a brief moment? Or a different dimension? Or was this just a load of random thoughts that formed in my brain creating these visions that will never happen? Again sorry for sharing a random thought. These dreams were important. I mean I had a meaningful dream earlier this year claiming I will meet great people in the future. It will come true since you will always meet great people every year. Hey tell me your thoughts please! :)
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:34:35 +0000

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