I had to post both of these today from Calvary Chapels Daily - TopicsExpress


I had to post both of these today from Calvary Chapels Daily Devotionals. :) When I read the news that Christians in Iraq are being forced out of their homes and having to flee for their lives, I feel like we as Americans are completely oblivious to the fact that at any moment it could all come crashing down on us, too. We waste so much time on meaningless things that amount to nothing, and when the sun goes down were left still wanting. Oftentimes when I snap out of my American made cappuccino coma, I often get determined to do something. Im going to make a change, I think. Im going to be a useful tool in Gods hands because the world needs to know about Jesus, and I want to tell them. God usually lets me follow my thought trails and brainstorm sessions until theyre all twisted up in a knot, and then when Im exasperated and my foot is tapping impatiently waiting for an answer as to how Im going to pull my save the world plan together, He gently turns me around and illuminates His path for me once again. You see, He has a plan for my life. He shows it to me every time I ask. I think that I need to do something dramatic, but He tells me to stay the course. I need to realize that my small part is a very important part. Though my life is but a vapor that appears for a moment and then is gone, I have been created for something very real and very impacting (James 4:14, Jeremiah 29:11). I lived in the Heartland for about a decade, and one of the things I picked up while I was there was a little phrase that went like this, Lord willing and the creek dont rise. To me that sums up James 4:13-16. I dont have to come up with a grand plan to save the world. Jesus has already done that for me and you. My job, your job is to seek first His kingdom. Matthew 6:25-34 tells us that we do not need to worry about the small details of life. God is our provider. He takes care of our physical needs, but He also takes care of our need for direction. A mans heart plans the way, but the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs 16:9). In your job, with your spouse, in front of your children or your roommate are your chances to change the world in a big way. Every morning when you seek Jesus He will light the path for that day. Do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself. Matthew 6:34 After you close your Bible and jump into the grind of your day check in with Jesus often. Remind yourself of the scripture that you read in the morning and add a little to the prayer you started earlier. Ask Him to help you show someone His love at lunch, and while youre in the car check back in with Jesus and course correct if you need to. Get excited about the plan that the master architect has laid out for you, and when you follow it carefully, not running ahead or dragging behind, you will make that impact for Jesus. You will be a very useful tool in His hands, and many more will follow behind you, hearing the words that we all so deeply long to hear. Well done my good and faithful servant. (Matthew 25:21) Read: Ephesians 5:15-17
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 10:21:28 +0000

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