I had to wait a few days to write this blog- scribe on what went - TopicsExpress


I had to wait a few days to write this blog- scribe on what went on at Justice hearing in court as I needed to write it in a state of peace not hurt or frustration. I am going to keep this story off of Justice as much as possible and in a more broad way tell you that in my assessment the public defender Chimbidis was the entire reason the system failed this boy- man on Wednesday. In juvy courts they are out to reform these children but so far as I can tell they are going about it the wrong way and parents are also to blame. Every time I go to juvy hall its standing room only and parents are covering for their kids and lying or not telling whole truths out of fear of being judged themselves. They know behind the scenes in many cases that what is going on in their home is how the child, unless the child is a pure sociopath or has serious mental illness, has learned and is desensitized to the criminal behaviors they are in front of the judge for. The PD told me that I had nothing to do with this case and accused me of wanting a good end to my documentery being done on Justice as I was planning on advocating and backing his mother up in court if needed that if we do need to get Justice into a intensive behavioral modification Boys Ranch as Mandy did with his big brother and it did reverse Jordans severe anger issues. The same judge years ago helped with Jordan and would clearly not judge Mandy for asking this help from him and we even had Jordan there to provide his testimony of faith and change in the ranch. I feared Justice would end up like his Dad or me I had and go to prison if someone did not immediately step in and help us stop the cycle I see spinning out of control each week as Justice lives with me and its becoming a more alarming cycle- things happening and we had all been holding our breath for Weds court date . After being accused and told by this angry and resentful public defender who when I mentioned Ron ORon OBrien our prosecutor caring about children of incarcerated not repeating their patents mistakes told me that Ron was the enemy a month ago. I am positive that is a lie and I should have known this public defender had issues himself . This man told me I wanted Justice locked up for a good story??? If I wanted that I would have pressed charges when he stole my car in the middle of the night as the police encouraged me to a month ago. I was crying this morning of the court date at the mere mention of Justice going to juvy hall. The attorney told me that he had fully looked up my awful record and knew what kind of criminal I was and he said this child was nothing like me and for me to keep my mouth shut in court. I made the choice to leave before the hearing as a deal had been made and Justice was being put on probation and praise God he will be drug tested as he admitted once again that he does smoke weed which I had fully trusted that had ended until this morning. I agreed first and foremost to this documentery on Justice in hopes that it may compel Justice own community to have compassion towards him and his family and so that he may be empowered- healed by telling his story as telling my story to help others like me to know they are not alone and there is hope helps me to stay sober and broke me out of my victim cycle just one that I had myself stuck in. Next I agreed and was all the way behind this gift of a documentery to compel society as a whole to care about the 1-28 children of incarcerated now in America and to help me to help these kids break the cycle of repeating what they have learned with the hard work Joshua Lint and our In the Name of Justice nonprofit will be doing for a long time to come. I do not do this for me. I am a good writer I have three more books to get out that will make me lots of money and I could easily put this all aside and forget prison jail these children and go on with my life. God convicts me to stay and keep my promise to my people that I left behind bars to be their voice so I am going to keep that promise. I do not need Justice story to show society that children are stuck in this cycle. No one is doing me a big favor here this was a huge amount of extra work on my already overfilling plate that I gladly did so Justice could have a shot at a life as a speaker or a writer whatever he would like I know all of the things I do with him are a positive that benefit him not I. The camera man was not permitted into the court in the end due to the public defender. He has failed the public- society in a big way. Earth Jallow and Devin Shaw God bless you for coming to help support Justice and for staying at my office with me after court to help me process this all. I did call and report this Franklin County public defender to his top boss and she was very kind and said she had been expecting my call. I also called the prosecutor Hogan head of juvy prosecutors and he said my call was the first of its kind in over 20 years and he was very happy to hear my take on stopping cycles and to me admitting that I knew that I had been stuck in them for years and not being dealt with from the beginning of my criminal behavior history is what lead me to prison. This was a first eye opening go around with the juvenile court process and I am going to need some behavioral modification positivity wreck centers with possible living quarters as both top dog juvy prosecutor and public defender agreed with me that just like with prison, jail, rehabs the issue is these children getting help but then being forced back to be with old people places and things which soon reverts them right back to where they were before they got the help. I have a solution and it will cost a lot of money but its much less than the cost of prisons and retrying these kids repeatably plus it treats the root and is a permanent solution. God is good and this all worked out just as he planned.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Apr 2014 12:38:15 +0000

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