I had to wait extra long to post today because of #2. 3 - TopicsExpress


I had to wait extra long to post today because of #2. 3 Positive Things, Day 5: 1) Thursday is a fun day of classes with only a little homework at the end of it, and it is followed by Friday, the only day of the week that I get to sleep in, plus I only have one class. 2) I got to help make a cake today with Kristi Lee Pollum and Robin Smith for the 20th birthday of Hannah Warren, and it was a lot of fun- we should hang out in the Mason-Abbot kitchen more often. :) The party in the Phillips lobby was pretty fun too. 3) Harry Potter. Yes, this is on here. There are many reasons for this. It is on here right now because I had one of the most fun classes of all time today in my Rhetoric course. Basically, we had a Harry Potter debate over a serious of topics, from trivial things like character ships and plot events, to topics like what age is too old to keep being obsessed with the series (the answer is never) and how influential fandoms can be in your everyday life. We started off by being split into two groups, one (first called Hogwarts before I changed it later to the Wizengamot) for people who love the series and one (Muggles) for people who either dont like it (gasp!) or said that it was part of their childhood but theyve moved on. We then had to take a 100-question trivia test in 5 minutes; I was the only person to finish the test, and I also got 100%. Because of that, I was named Head Girl for the Hogwarts section, and then later Chief of the Wizengamot, and so had to lead the debate- Im the sort of person who never speaks up in class unless I have to for participation points, so this was kind of scary, but since it was a topic that I am incredibly passionate about, I gave it all that I had. Apparently I was so passionate in my arguments and references and multiple quotations (the other side even assigned a few people to fact check me the entire time, which was kind of intimidating) that I eventually managed to convince the entire Muggle section to switch sides, and so I ended up winning the Debate MVP award, a.k.a. was voted the Triwizard Champion. Overall, it was without a doubt one of the best classes of which I have ever been apart. But this is also on here for a different reason. I owe a lot to Harry Potter. I was actually thinking about going into writing before I read the series, but it was Harry Potter that gave me the reasons to write. I have made friends over this series, and I have lost friends over this series. I have over 11.5 years of memories because of HP. I reference it all the time (although most of my conversations about HP were not started by me). It has gotten me through both the bad and the good, and I would be a completely different person right now if it wasnt for J.K. Rowling. People tell me to give it up and move on, and that it was alright for me to be obsessed when I was younger and the series was still going on, but not anymore. But Im telling you now that that is never going to happen. I am always- ALWAYS- going to be obsessed with this magical series. I am who I am largely because of Harry Potter.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 04:10:22 +0000

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