I had wished to resolve this matter amicably,and in person, with - TopicsExpress


I had wished to resolve this matter amicably,and in person, with the Groups owner, vis a vis, my expulsion from the Group, Bipolar Disorder Support Group However, aforementioned Group owner LauraLee Graffman would appeared to have misconstrued my comments and blocked me from replying, Therefore, reluctantly, and for the sole purpose of clarity, i paste herewith from my Blog page, Bipolar A Rollercoaster Mind. In the very short time of a couple of weeks since starting my activity of blog, personal,and group, I would like to sincerely thank those whom have contributed. Many Sincere and Warmest Regards, Damon. LauraLee Graffman 12 September 20:19 Hi Damon, You were kicked out of the group for being incredibly disrespectful to a woman whose husband had passed away. Not for being bipolar. There is no excuse for how you treated her and made flippant comments about her husband. Thank you. Bipolar a Rollercoaster Mind. 14 September 20:14 Ms Graffman. Your allegations are unfounded and unequivocally denied. To give a more comprehensive and eloquent response dignifies the accusation. Should you wish to provide evidence. I will unreservedly apologize. Failing such I wish your Group every success under your expert guidance. Warmest Regards, Damon Matthews Fellow Bipolar Sufferer. LauraLee Graffman 14 September 20:49 You were joking in the thread asking if her husband was in there and if you could hear him. No need to show you evidence, Ive had enough evidence to remove you from the group so its not necessary. Thanks. Bipolar a Rollercoaster Mind. 14 September 20:55 Denied. May you continue to develop. Damon LauraLee Graffman 14 September 21:34 Denied what? I never asked you for anything. Have a great day and good luck with the group youre attempting to build. LauraLee Graffman 14 September 21:34 And good luck trying to turn this around and make it seem like I am asking you for something. Im just telling you the truth of what you did but youre clearly deluded and dont think you are culpable of anything Bipolar a Rollercoaster Mind. 15 September 09:47 LauraLee, I am and have been culpable of many things i regret. I used to be a proud person. Not any more, i can assure you. I am not asking for anything, per se, other than a little humanitarian understanding from someone supporting others. I was denying the judgement and accusation only. Im freely willing to help anyone whom my affliction and considerable and colorful life experiences enable me too, including you. I have, over recent weeks, been very ill. Paranoid delusions included. I had my wife on stand by all last night to call the hospital. My efforts to build a Group are solely as a means of giving a once challenged mind a little vocation. Im not here for idolization, egocentricity, or wealth. Just the therapeutic benefits to me, and hopefully others. If I have, knowingly,or unknowingly, upset, you or any of your Group, by any display of inappropriate humor or lack of judgement (both BP mania symptoms, especially when exacerbated by deprived sleep and paranoid delusional episodes) , I apologize, unconditionally. What I can say with particular resonance, is upsetting others is, and never will be, my willfull intention. Indeed the diametrically opposed is the truth of the matter. The quality of forgiveness and mercy is noble indeed, is it not, particularly where it is not merited. Food for thought..... If I can ever prove of assistance to you in any way, please contact me. Life can be tough, eh. May you succeed in your endeavors. Warm Regards, Damon A Battered and Bruised by Life BP Survivor Message cannot be sent based on either the receivers privacy settings or yours.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 09:35:46 +0000

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