I happened to mention to a couple of customers where I work the - TopicsExpress


I happened to mention to a couple of customers where I work the other day my belief that Western Civilization is in decline and that the dollar will lose its reserve currency status in the near future, furthermore that the coup in the Ukraine was essentially the work of NATO intelligence, part of a long history of color revolutions, by the use of NED and USAID, fifth column NGOs, and other means. The husband asked me what channel are you watching to get this? I answered that I dont have a television and would not have one in my house. Well, then what radio stations? No I dont listen to the radio either. I explained that there are many valuable sources on the web, and finally settled on Robert Parrys Consortium News, being unable to go into sufficient detail. i explained that Parry was the journalist who exposed the Iran-Contra scandal in 1985. He then remembered and referred to the character Oliver North, though he couldnt remember the name. In retrospect, I now realize that my reply should have been as follows: Sir, your question reveals a mindset that I do not share, that is, a mindset founded on the idea of authority. The Authoritarian worldview differs from the Scientific worldview in that the former seeks an authority to line up behind, whereas the Scientific seeks Evidence, corroborated by multiple sources, sources as widely disparate as possible, that it might cleanse itself of all bias.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:21:25 +0000

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