I hate cilantro. It really does taste like nasty soap to me... and - TopicsExpress


I hate cilantro. It really does taste like nasty soap to me... and heres why... reasoniamhere/2013/09/24/why-10-of-the-population-hates-cilantro-and-the-rest-doesnt-know-any-better/ The science of smell is fascinatingly complex and not entirely understood, but the current hypothesis is that having a C instead of an A in a specific location close to the OR6A2 gene, slightly alters the shape of the receptor molecule encoded by that gene, and allows cilantro molecules to activate receptors that in the rest of the population are only activated by soap/bleach/death molecules.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 21:36:28 +0000

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